


I am a bit narcissistic and chill guy who likes to make friends with intresting people... i like reading fanfics and novels with anti-hero, morally gray MCs favourite universes - warhammer, Lovecraft

2018-09-15 JoinedIndia

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  • Deadrule_vivek

    summon the boltons !!

    "Remember, Robb, bastards are evil and envious beings, I'm sure your mother has told you that. Be careful, everything he's doing here is to steal Winterfell from you," Theon whispered into Robb's ear.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek

    dwarves are AU? or were they changed into white walkers

    Thor fell silent for a moment, then took one last puff on the cigar before crushing it under his boot. "Then, Jon Snow, let's see if you are the leader you claim to be. Let's negotiate the terms of this alliance. But know this: my loyalty and that of my Dwarves must be earned every day."
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek


    This left Jon angry, and he ended up cutting contact since then. He knew things weren't going well for them in the last few moons. When they discovered that Lord Stark was his father, Ned Stark was acclaimed as the father of little Jon, boosting the Stark name in the North once again. The actions he took against the slavers followed the theory that little Jon was behind it all, further enhancing his reputation in the North. This would have been great for the Starks in another time, but with rumors about Catelyn Stark, a wicked southern stepmother who expelled the boy from Winterfell after attempting to kill him, and his half-brother who hated him, people were openly speaking ill of them. They questioned whether she should be the lady of Winterfell or the heir to the North, something that didn't sit well.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek

    you may become a dragon , but you can certainly bone mother of dragons 😅😂

    "I have blessings from the gods that allow me to command and have more eyes without needing to be unconscious, something that turns me into something completely different from anything that has ever existed in legends." Jon admitted. He knew he was different, and his powers would make even men known as Warg kings look like little wolf pups, while he would be a giant adult wolf compared to their gifts. 'Maybe I'll become a dragon as I further develop my powers, as I grow,' ironically, Jon admitted in his mind.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek

    what's with fanboying over Ned stark , he was pretty dumb even in the cannon .. he could have at least told his wife in secret about John's real origins

    "My father is an honorable man; he would never let something like what happened to your family happen in his domain. Even other lords wouldn't let something like that pass; that's the way of the North." Jon said, expressing his belief if Ducken's family situation were to happen in this kingdom.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek
    Replied to Dark_PersonJJ

    So are reality tv shows... but they earn huge money and have large fanbases .

    "Sorry, little Jon, but at this moment, I've realized my lifelong dream of following in my father's footsteps, even though I hardly get any clients. The shop has just opened, and I can't disappoint my aunt, who... I ACCEPT!" The man was initially refusing, but as soon as Jon showed 5 gold coins to the blacksmith, he shouted, drawing attention from some nearby people, while Jon quickly covered his ears, and Panis neighed beside him, clearly bothered.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek
    Replied to ktorres_65

    he will start to court death soon

    "I came to buy 200 kilograms of sand, 100 building stones (Bricks), and 20 kilograms of sticking mass (Medieval cement). I hope you can meet my needs; otherwise, I'll leave!" Jon spoke coldly. He came to buy materials, and he didn't like the initial prejudice, although deep down he found it understandable since he's still an 8-nameday child.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek

    the name is pretty bad though

    The horse expressed its happiness with this new owner, as unlike its time on the farm, it was living a dream with freedom and such delicious food that the boy gave it. Jon knew the thoughts of the animal and was pleased for Panis. The horse was developing with each passing day, nothing too noticeable yet, but Jon knew that his horse would be the envy of any general in 6 months.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek
    Replied to Deadrule_vivek

    I forgot the name of all three 😅

    But Jack was a trusted guard of Jory, and he confirmed the whole story, so he could only wait for news from all over the North, which was also surprised by the actions of his lord protector regarding his bastard; his troops were also being sent from all territories of the North. His family was in chaos as well, aside from distancing himself from his wife, Bran was crying and missing his older brother. Sansa was less affected, but her eyes showed some guilt, Robb was silent all the time and with guilt in his eyes, he hardly even spoke to Theon after the disappearance, and the worst was Arya, who started to insult even her mother; openly, she didn't even go to the septa's classes to cry in her room.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek
    Replied to ALEX1402

    I read only three great stories on Wattpad one was a fanfic of glitch-spider , three was an orginal story about a presumed human entering the school of hell by mistake and third was a very well written orginal story about a man who was a sent to a city with supernatural beings but got entertwined with vampire sisters , werewolves clans and goblins lol

    But Jack was a trusted guard of Jory, and he confirmed the whole story, so he could only wait for news from all over the North, which was also surprised by the actions of his lord protector regarding his bastard; his troops were also being sent from all territories of the North. His family was in chaos as well, aside from distancing himself from his wife, Bran was crying and missing his older brother. Sansa was less affected, but her eyes showed some guilt, Robb was silent all the time and with guilt in his eyes, he hardly even spoke to Theon after the disappearance, and the worst was Arya, who started to insult even her mother; openly, she didn't even go to the septa's classes to cry in her room.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek

    John is lucky these guys are only naive and kind farmers ...

    Silence settled in the group once again. The families were marveling at Jon's abilities and powers. Many might judge him as a demon or having evil powers, but where would these families be if not for the boy? Jon has only benefited this farm since he arrived, how could these people have the heart to mistreat this humble, kind, and god-blessed child. Everyone on the farm had the same thought. Dult took a step forward and spoke, "Even being an 8-nameday child, I would like to thank on behalf of all these families, little Jon. You not only helped us but saved everyone's life while Greg and I were away. We couldn't imagine our lives with all our relatives dead." He bowed with his forehead on the ground.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek

    he's pretty dumb

    "Sorry, my friends, but can we stay apart for a few days?" He asked sadly, clearly not wanting to part from the wolves; they were his protectors and friendly companions in the last few days. But Jon had no idea how the people of the North would react to his wolves. His first thought was how he himself reacted when he saw them, becoming scared and trying to escape, something he only didn't do because he could feel the lack of hostility from the other side, and he knew that this behavior wasn't even the worst reaction someone could have, and Jon fears that his new companions might get hurt or turn a contact into a bloodbath. So, with no choice, he dismissed his wolves, who headed toward a forest to stay for a few days. They were not willing, as they wanted to stay to protect him, but he knew that his new human master was right about it through their mental link. He walked to the farm he spotted from afar after letting the wolves return to the woods and slowly approached, trying not to scare the people when he saw a group working in the field. The last thing he wanted was to be killed by scared adult farmers wondering how a child appeared out of nowhere on their lands.
    Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
    Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
  • Deadrule_vivek


    Chapter 1: The Winter Night in Wulan Town
    The son of the God-Emperor in Warhammer Fantasy
    Book&Literature · INIT
  • Deadrule_vivek


    Ch 131 Chapter 131: Mei Terumi's Deflective Strategy
    Naruto: Swarm System
    Anime & Comics · Betek
  • Deadrule_vivek

    lol , what makes him think he can "control " them ....

    Danzo instantly made up his mind to find and control these two powerful individuals, seeing them as essential assets for his ambitions.
    Naruto: Swarm System
    Anime & Comics · Betek
  • Deadrule_vivek

    no , not this again ...

    But then another image came to mind: the symbol of his counterpart, Superman. What if he followed in those footsteps and became a beacon of hope? The thought stirred something deep within him. He imagined a large man lifting a child to grab a balloon stuck in a tree. A true hero, someone who inspires others and stands for something greater than himself. This path was not easy because it would carry a huge responsibility.
    A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI
    Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
  • Deadrule_vivek
    Replied to PidgeonKing

    but wasn't Superman kinda dumb most of the time ?

    Originally Brandon expected that the hardest ability he'd have to deal with would be his super strength but his hearing had that one beat by a long shot. "Just how does Superman do it?"
    A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI
    Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
  • Deadrule_vivek
    Replied to Daoist4MxvaV

    you think you would be any different if you get any power ? no

    The only problem was how the kid became a little psycho with a god complex but it was a risk he was willing to take to not get one shotted. With his decision made he clicked Brandon Bryer causing the message to send one last message.
    A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI
    Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
  • Deadrule_vivek

    i don't think author knows anything about Hancock ...but even add the option? just to make himself look dumb ?

    Next was Hancock who had some impressive feats and was highly durable, especially when not around his counterpart, something he wouldn't need to worry about in this new world. But again, the question remained: could he win against a Viltrumite? The answer was no. At most, he'd be at the Guardians' level, which was impressive, but they didn't last long against Omni-Man.
    A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI
    Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
  • Deadrule_vivek

    out of invincible , dc , marvel , boys , worm and mha .... mha and boys are not hard to survive if you have decent powers , but rest are a nightmare for Powerful people as well

    His eyes widened upon seeing the Invincible universe. Why? Because in terms of danger, it was right up there with DC. He had only seen some of the show, but what he had seen was enough to know it was far from safe.
    A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI
    Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All