


Just somebody who loves a good story to carry them on their way

2018-09-04 JoinedUnited States

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  • Gemiae

    I’m surprised she is unable to pick up on the fact that she ate her mother and that’s why her father doesn’t see her as a human. Perhaps she’ll finally realize that while she’s here

    All of this warmth yet he was brutal enough to experiment on his daughter for ten whole years.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae
    Replied to Joe_Zenotype12

    True. I cannot refute that

    "Our target will appear at the party in approximately 1 hour. During this time, we'll be splitting into these locations handing out. Kale, you'll take the southern entrance. I want you to seal it once things go south. An accident WILL happen, watch and don't let anyone leave. The more people are involved later, the more annoying it becomes to extract the target." Erick explained.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae
    Replied to Joe_Zenotype12

    I don’t know if Selen would recognize an Alice from 10 years ago who looks WAY different from how she looks now. As far as I know, Erick also knows what Alice Agnelia looks like, so he should also recognize the similarities if they are that noticeable

    "Our target will appear at the party in approximately 1 hour. During this time, we'll be splitting into these locations handing out. Kale, you'll take the southern entrance. I want you to seal it once things go south. An accident WILL happen, watch and don't let anyone leave. The more people are involved later, the more annoying it becomes to extract the target." Erick explained.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae
    Replied to Cinnabuns

    It really does

    After all these years, Rosalyn finally contemplated the chances of obtaining the title of Lord.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae


    As they followed behind the Lords, Alice wondered if Kaden was watching everything happen. But since he was dealing with potential leads to Allura's recovery, she doubted he had the luxury to keep an eye on her.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae
    Replied to Joe_Zenotype12

    Was thinking the same. These guys are so screwed hahaha. The look on their faces when that’s revealed will be priceless

    1)She must adhere to the hierarchy of the Zenia family.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    Unfortunately, no matter how good of a Mental Elixir you get, you won’t be able to become less dense

    He had already figured out that increasing ones mental capacity was valuable not only for everyday intelligence and remembering things, it also helped him grasp insights which would improve his other grades.
    Major League System
    Sports · leeroycgna
  • Gemiae
    Replied to Blaze_Zero

    Exactly, so why is the gravy always there? What has happened ever since she entered the Inverted world is she’s had helping upon helping of gravy to the point where the actual dish is mitigated because it’s hard to imagine it without gravy. She had so much help in the Inverted world I was finally ready to see her do things without some protector or mentor looking in the background to save her if things went poorly, and the moment she leaves it Kaden is covering for her and making sure she doesn’t get scammed in the Underground, the Principal leaves her alone, and digs up more info on the Zenias for her, when she’s already earning the information by paying for it with what she got in the arena. Whether Alice is capable of doing those things herself or not doesn’t matter, because Kaden (and Allura), who is basically Deus ex Machina at this point, will be sure to make sure Alice comes out on top anyway. If either of them are involved, there is no doubt in my mind that things will end up in Alice’s favor, regardless of if she achieved it herself or not. It’s like if somebody took an exam and needed to pass to enter a prestigious school, and I’m invested in seeing them pass and their efforts pay off. Turns out at the end it didn’t matter if they passed or not because they were already accepted because Daddy dearest pulled his influence and made sure they were accepted anyway. It completely undermines anything Alice is actually achieving for herself because she’s covered anyway.

    He had kept an eye on the meeting in case the branch manager tried to pull a fast one other Alice but it seemed like he didn't need to worry in the first place.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae
    Replied to Blaze_Zero

    What does that have to do with anything I just said?

    He had kept an eye on the meeting in case the branch manager tried to pull a fast one other Alice but it seemed like he didn't need to worry in the first place.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae
    Replied to Blaze_Zero

    It 100% matters. Yes she did it on her own. Great job on her part. But the fact that if she DIDNT fully handle it herself, Kaden would have stepped in is the problem. She’s constantly having her hand held, directly or indirectly. If she got fully played the branch manager, she wouldn’t have suffered consequences from it because Kaden would have prevented that. Same as the reason the Principal is mostly leaving Alice alone. She SHOULD be an authoritative and influential figure, but with Kaden around she is just getting bullied by him and at his mercy. Which, with his protective nature of Alice, basically means he’s telling her to leave Alice alone or he’ll send her into next Tuesday.

    He had kept an eye on the meeting in case the branch manager tried to pull a fast one other Alice but it seemed like he didn't need to worry in the first place.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    Okay this is getting ridiculous. If she always has this safety net of Kaden or Allura looking out for her in every scenario, then there’s no risk in anything. Oh Alice got scammed or tricked? Don’t worry, Kaden is looking out for you and will fix everything. Alice needs information on the Zenias? Don’t worry, Kaden will go get that information for you anyway. She’s plenty capable on her own let there be some risks and mistakes. These unbreakable safety nets she has in every scenario are making me angry.

    He had kept an eye on the meeting in case the branch manager tried to pull a fast one other Alice but it seemed like he didn't need to worry in the first place.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    I’d love if Alice was able to save her

    [The last I heard about her was when she got taken by both the Church of the Moon and the Church of the Sun. Her whereabouts are largely unknown though and even then, this information is centuries old by now.] Cayla shook her head as Alice sighed and nodded.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    Cause he can throw left-handed now, isn’t it?

    POTENTIAL: C- (S+)
    Major League System
    Sports · leeroycgna
  • Gemiae

    I’m ready for Alyss to make an appearance with them too haha. Alice forces everyone to drink and Alyss forces unbelievably spicy food down their throats lol

    Ch 335 Return From The Inverted World
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    YESSS. Have your hopes, goals, and dreams dashed before you Nyer. Despair for what you’ve failed to achieve

    Ch 333 Final Shard of Velouria
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    Let’s have Nyer’s plan come crashing down once again

    Ch 330 Nyer's Plan
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    Funny thing is that she probably won’t keep this ability once Alice leaves the memory because it’s just a memory and nobody but Alice will remember what happened once she leaves it. Unless Allura naturally came up with this technique without observing Alice, but I doubt that considering she came up with it BECAUSE of Alice

    A new technique born from her observation of Alice.
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    It must be Nyer who made the second heart I’m sure. He’s the only one who’d be willing to go to that length

    Ch 305 [Alice's] Heart
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    I enjoy their interactions with each other and other people. Can’t wait to see so much more going forward!

    Ch 302 Twin
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Gemiae

    Sooo does this make it so that when she does this, her own blood would attack itself? Would that be more destructive to the person who it’s occurring to or Alice? Or is it going even further to say Alice’s blood would still fulfill the effect of a default reset, but Alice’s blood would be counted among the hard resets, and Alice would lose all her blood abilities because it’s been set to ‘Default’?

    "How would you differentiate between the two?"
    Abyssal Awakening
    Fantasy · Reili