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your forgetting that last chapter he basically sat and trash talked with him even the fight kinda felt fake bakugo is a good instinctual fighter but he also isn't a master this is him before he had people he naturally outclassed to fight against if izuku is as good as he was being described he should have easily won bangs whole style is basically a perfect counter to bakugo it honestly shouldn't have gotten to him being able to pull the pin in the first place from the described fight izuku fought more like a brawler then what he was supposedly trained fighter
the story is worth a try and to see if you can like the characters and au changes he made it's just not my cup of tea even after giving it a second chance then the authors attitude when it came to feed back even when I pointed out where he made an error and he tried to get into an argument that I was wrong and didn't understand about the training issue most have with his story when my comment wasn't even about I just gave up
he hasn't really been with them long enough to teach to a city engineering level or even really teach them to build and you can't really teach it by just talking about it he has been on the move almost the whole time since he started to lead the free folk at best he could teach a bit of theory at worst he could be teaching basic schooling if he even got more then a handful willing to learn
it's just the fact the author seems to have a fetish almost with how often he mentions talks about etc it just got annoying it's one thing to use it as almost comical but it just got overdone
eh author is belligerent when it comes to basically anything related to this or even just legit constructive criticism on QQ he basically got to the point of not even reading comments and telling people they didn't understand and that if they don't like it don't read it even when it had nothing to do with what the comment was about honestly sucks cause author is decent but even when he's wrong or someone points out plothole or inconsistencies he just doubles down or becomes argumentative
story is honestly just bad wish fulfillment with what seems like little thought outline or even effort put into it just seems like generic mass produced trash to try and get subscribers to earn money Writing Quality 2⭐ honestly wish I could give it less but it's at least readable and sorta has a plot even if it's barely there author has many plot holes unexplained random powers with no real explanation chapters where he literally forgets what he wrote just the last chapter it's just bad feels like some writing exercise for some chunni horny 8th grader who thought he was smart using AI to write the story for him And that is also a fact story checks out on my AI checker to see if a AI was used in the writing Story development 2⭐ I mean it's there sorta but it just feels lacking and more of a after thought of trying to make it seem coherent and isn't really a focus more just a chain to link along plot points and ideas Character Design 3⭐ it's honestly just basic generic op protagonist in a wish fulfillment can't really say much hes just average maybe slightly above some of the same template Updating Stability 3⭐ can't really say anything here haven't kept up with the story and it's just not worth following World Background 2⭐ I mean the only reason it even has background is the fact that the story is a fanfiction and comes with basically a template for people to already know and understand can't say I've seen any world building besides what is the source material except maybe the fact a few things changed that weren't explained to make it easier for the protagonist Overall story is just not worth reading its generic not very good not exactly unique it's AI written so it's not even really the author writing (could be possible it's just heavily translated and creating a false positive on the AI checker but even then it still reads like an AI story) theres just not really any real redeeming reason to read it except to kill time and even then there's better stories to kill time with so I can't even recommend it as that
I can understand that but as a said this is I island and supposedly the most advanced multi country research facility in the world I just can't see them not having something having a extremely good healing quirk user or contact with a country with one I mean that seems like a pretty high up there on something that would be being researched
I'll be regularly checking to see if it disappears again and repost 👍