The True Wolverine. SLOW UPDATES
Jason Devonte Jackson was an abnormal 22-year-old man. He'd had a horrible life. When he was a child, he moved from foster home to foster home. He was beaten at many of them and the few that he liked, his 'siblings' drove him out. His only solace was the marvel universe. His favorite characters were Wolverine and Rogue. When he found out about stan lee's death, he cried and went into a depression. In honor of him, he watched all the Marvel movies ever made nonstop. He was at a friend's house. Just as he finished infinity war 2 he fell asleep. He died in his sleep. He woke up to find...
Read more to see the rest. I am still new to writing but I hope you like this story. if you're on the edge and not sure if you want to read this, please just read the first chapter. it will only be a few minutes of your time. Thank you and if you choose not to read it, Maybe you can read it later.