Night owl readers club 😎
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how did the giant gengar come out already hmm? Last was Johan and gengar just happening upon the shrine. so indeed something seems to be missing here
I do like the story, but i really dislike when MCs are not driven by anything to actually use/abuse their capabilities to get stronger. Sitting back and thinking things won't come their way with a detached mindset. So silly.
thought it was mark in the description strange 🤔
little white seems better.
cause yeah thr wheelchair is just for show right
yer good. was just absolutely confusing how it went from the prisons to being there in a discussion xD kinda funny tbh. nice little wrap up to this though. thankfully not too drawn out.
personally I don't see much wrong with this overall. it's entertaining enough and I don't get a headache reading it so that's a plus I'd say. people are just straight up picky. it's like when people complain about their games or shows not conforming to their ideal version. I do hope you keep going, writing is always evolving so I'd say keep doing it.
if that much is still left from an inheritance I don't think slightly well off family is accurate. I'd say they would have been low or middle upper class family.
Because the author really wants cliché style drama happening here(likely). absolutely nothing intelligent, because how it's looking the MC will probably do something stupid and not actually do the smart thing like oh I don't know, use his position/achievements so far to get out of the situation as a whole
For someone who has a supposed perfect memory skill even (unlevled) it's not very useful if it isn't working.