of reading
Read books
that is the point. In fact, I also like the characters and all that and that's why I want to do something different. In some fanfics that I have read, they always help the characters or act as babysitters with them, saving them at all times. I want to do something different and it is very possible that some characters will die. I will explain the power he has in the story, there is a specific reason why he is strong. This character is a villain. Thank you for reading.
I write this fanfic. The main one is in Spanish, which has the same chapters, it just made me want to translate it.
Veo que hablas y escribes español, te aconsejo que leas la historia utilizando el google traductor y la leas en español por que si la estas leyendo en ingles es obvio que veras los muchos errores. Si leyeras la historia utilizando el traductor esos errorer seran pequeños, saludos.
I don't know… I can't count them. There are many! ... to tell the truth, so far it's just Mikumo and no one else.
I got up today and I said to myself well I'm going to write. I was so involved that without realizing it I ended up writing more than 5 thousand words, I hope to continue with this in the next few days
Well, to do that I used the Google translator, it cost me a lot, I spent many hours translating the words. But also you readers helped me when you gave me your advice and told me the right words. Over time, I was learning. And you can still see that, that I didn't know anything in the first chapters of the English version where I made symbols where I shouldn't have. (¡"" "!! ¿"?).
I remember you. I don't know if you know but I'll tell you anyway, since you don't know Spanish, I don't know English, and that's why I read the novels on Google because it has the option to translate. I don't read them from the application. I will also wait until it is in Spanish and it has about 30 or 40 chapters and I will begin to translate them into English, but as I told you before this will be a little faster. Good day.
I will continue with the novel, but at my own pace, I don't know when I will publish again but it will be done, but it will be after I rewrite the first chapters that I am now doing.
Hmm ... it should be easy to understand from how I see it, but if it is difficult I will try to write it so that it is understood. I have not written for a long time and I know that there will be many failures.
So the second sentence is correct?