An actual human bean
of reading
Read books
Third person gender neutral pronoun in chinese, usually used when you know who is being referred to. AI is just too stupid, or wasn't provided context to properly traanslate
All towns (villages you can rest in) were around 1 full days walk from each other before the train. How do you expect farmers to walk to them?
TL quality degrades to raw GPTMTL quality, they don't even bother to fix pronouns or correct knife to saber...
It's basically a misunderstandings novel but with a female protagonist swapped in. There's a harem, tournament arc and everything else you would expect. Not the greatest ever, but I enjoyed the mtl
This sounds like Don't Starve, the recipes are the same for the axe, science machine and prestihatitator. Game derived novels can be interesting, I guess...
If there are 364 people born per year, and an average person lives to 80 in the city, then the city should only have roughly 30,000 inhabitants. Actually pretty small for a major city, but would still be an important regional population centre (before modern times). Just a random tangent I wanted to share.
Didn't translate into golden core here, hope that TL quality will stay acceptable...
Mediocre story with mediocre translation. Barely good enough to read if you have nothing else. Filler here.
TL quality drops too low to be worth reading. Otherwise this is a pretty average novel. Probably about 4 stars if the story stays as it is and there isn't too much nationalism under the poetry.
The missing chapters butcher both the plot and the 'plot', making this novel unreadable. Just go read some fanfiction and hope the author was horny.