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2019-04-05 JoinedGlobal



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  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago

    Alright so I'll start with the positives. •There are no noticable grammatical errors so far. Everything is cleanly written, the characters thoughts and thought process being well described. Everything is also clearly understandable so theres no real chance of getting confused since the author writes, once again, clearly and cleanly. •The characters are well written and charming, the sisters relationship being well done. (Trust me I have a brother). Their reactions make sense and they have a set personality, of course they are fully capable of change. •The uploads are perfect. The author, at the time of posting this has had to reduce upload times due to personal matters but considering how she followed her pre-set schedule initially without missing a day I think it's safe to say that theres no worries of a chapter not showing up when up when it's supposed too. Alright now for the flaws. •It's cliche. It starts with an interesting hook. Twins meeting destiny's incarnate after training for all their life to demand something of it. Fairly interesting right? Well the incarnation of destiny will reincarnate them into a fantasy game world with a level system. The sisters solve an issue by dueling each other. If this is your kind of thing go ahead just know that the author doesnt just rely on the cliches solely. Theres some real solid story here with great character interactions. •The world doesn't really feel there. When describing the incarnation of destiny or a charector there is plenty of detail put in. Everything else gets the most basic description. A hut. Shiny magic rocks. grassy plains. This is a nitpick, I know, but I still think it's an issue since the characters will often be interacting in said shack. I dont know what's in the shack. Is there just a bed? Wheres the door? Does it have any decorations that might signify the natives culture? I dont know. Everything is just white. This is it really.

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago

    god dang the uploads are fast. Sweet! Em, thanks for the chapter.

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago
    Replied to albakata

    Thank you very much. I will take everything you said into account and will try my best to improve on these issues:)

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago
    Replied to albakata

    Your welcome. i hope I can recieve some advice from you since you seem to be a more professional writer than me. Thank you for taking mu review into consideration and havwa wonderfull time:)

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago

    Hello there I am here to do a shameless review as well as to say some things. So first I rate the writing quality a 3 since I am by no means a professional writer. There are plenty of grammatical errors and missied commas. Thankfully it's usually 1 or 2 mistakes per chapter as I do try to proof read. Story development. A little fast passed but not to bad. Though there is a common issue of overexplaining. The author really likes the show dont tell method of writing so he will often leave some foreshadowing hints and such among the. main characters monologue. Charector desighn. Perfect. Just perfection. Unfortunately since this review was posted the amount of side charectors are minimal with most of the screen time being taken up by the main character. Uploading Stability. Perfect havent missed a day with the exception of a minor accident. World Building. Too few chapters to say anything yet. Now for the extra words. For all who plan to read please note that this story is in the first person perspective. Also while the central theme is scifi in the beggining there will be more of a focus on gods, excluding when the mc makes something. In which case I will try to be as detailed as possible.

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago
    Replied to Dark_knight2157

    Of course :) Since its startin To look like people actually like my story im thinking of starting a power stone to extra chapter. Like 5 power stones equals 1 extra chapter. Does that sound fine as a reader?

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago
    Replied to Lonnie_Barrar

    Of course:) I have to keep a schedule because I am busy but I promise I will continue to post. Also thankyou for the powerstone!

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago
    Replied to GodOfSolitude

    I will😁 Thanks for reading.

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago
    Replied to Lonnie_Barrar

    Glad to know that my thingy is good enough to ask for more chapters. Em, thankyou for reading. I have the upload schedule in the about. its not much but as a college student its the most I can do.

  • Boilala
    Boilala4 years ago
    Replied to naf_2

    and thankyou for reading!