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It's a bit too slow bud. You have to understand we readers no that 90% of novels will prematurely drop, it's the most likely outcome. That being the case it's a big kick in the nuts when an author drags the story with little upgrading / progression.
Exactly, this is a fanfic and they never go on for long. So why tf would you make it a slow burn?? Also, this story is a major slog fest be warned. What's funny is the only db fanfic out there is "god mu". It has so many bad things about it but it's the only one with proper pacing and interesting development.
These are novels posted on an english site... get it? Anyone with a lick of talent would understand the concept of writing/translating for your target audience.
Yeah, I hear the CCP police are real charmers over there in wonderland. So much freedom over there, you can even say w/e you want about political figures, even Pooh bear himself without any form of retaliation. Ahhhhh chyna so blissful and free!!!
Yeah, I'm seriously astounded so many dweebs like this trash. Always try and go back to American novels but while they have vastly superior writing skills, it's 90% fluff. /sigh stuck spending forever to find a "decent" one here w/o to much chinesium
Thanks for turning this story into complete dog sh*t before chapter 50. Would have been an even greater waste of time if it lasted longer.
Mind If I share a drink with you sir?
Ok... are all chinese novels copy pasta's, written by npc's? Ice queen?! Really?! Does every damn story have to have some "ice queen, strong woomaan"???!!! Makes me want to puke at this point.
Wtf is a range rover doing in this fictional world?