Happy find job n money any part time welcome to inform. Tqvm.
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hi can I have the raws for this tqvm
hi Author can I know how many chapters in total for this novel of yours. Is this a good ending story. Will both MC get together . tqvm
thanks Author for ur hard work n quick reply.. really appreciate it..
will the fl and ml have a happy ending . is their family all also have a happy ending. thks
Hi Author good day to u.. wanna check if this is original story or a translation.. roughly how many chapters for this novel.. mind to spill some spoilers.. Will the FL Anna have a happy ending.. her other half will it be Dylan or surprisingly Mark.. really like this story and looking forward to it.. Hopefully there will be a reply.. tqvm.. gambateh.. ps.. voting is less than 70 chapters.
Hi Author or translator, will this book end in happy ending... roughly how many chapters.. tqvm..
hi can u tell me if the fl brother is still alive and if he is aware that his sister being torture
i quite like this story. but i hope in d future development of the story dun have any misunderstanding arise within the master n diciple side. since she is little 6 i hope she n all her brother n master can still go along well like previous. 2nd uncle seem like good person but i feel he has motive. he might be d key of destruction to little 6, her master n brothers diciple n her inheritance from her mom. i dun hope to c little 6 n master or brother disciple misunderstanding or hurt happen.
hi can i know roughly how many chapters is there for this novel ? It seems still on going and currently at 7k ++ chapters. Also how many chapters will be release per day if selected . tqvm