Just a lurker.
of reading
Read books
bruh moment
trying, but not succeeding
I have been fighting with myself for the better part of 2 years to pick up the keyboard once again but life being life and me being more useless than Aqua is hard thing to overcome. If I ever pick it up again though I would probably start from scratch and change stuff.
imo it's not the issue about the fact but more about the delivery. the way you have shown it just forces people to take out their pitchforks and shout ntr. you have been writing for webnovel audience for long enough to know what would happen.
it's... logical that it would happen. but did that improve story in any way? not really. ein's 'realism' is either hard hit or hard miss. it's the latter in this instance.
Its a culmination of Ein s work to the date. Not in a good way mind you. Ein removed the part of the story about character's rise to power with a timeskip and what is left is a tale of completely overpowered, high and mighty ass hat going around bullying people on the pretense that they would have had done the same to him if he was weaker than them. At least the part of him being a psycho is well portrayed indeed. So far I dont like the story or the characters - neither MC or side ones.