


My rating system for novels: 1. hate, 2. dislike, 3. readable, 4. like, 5. favourite. - "Readable" review is divided into 3: Wasting time, Nothing special, Interesting.

2018-07-05 JoinedGlobal

of reading


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  • BlackFan
    Replied to BlackFan

    Here i am checking the notifications of webnovel after rarely using it for some good amount of time now. And at the top there was a like on comment. And i though. And what is it about again? Let us see. And what do i see here? I must have missed this thread. What was this guy smoking at the time? Must have been some good mushrooms! "... How many times do you think you can spin th same type of story in different ways?...". LOL. By that idea there is no need to create any new story. Just copy paste. "... All westren literature is literally some form of a plot line thay Shakespear had made previously..." Maybe you might consider studying a little more about literature and such instead of trowing those signs of utter ignorance? Another hard lol comes after. Yeah we see now that "... since YOU create story/game/Movie ideas and pitches" You can obviously see what others do bad. God forbid looking at Yourself, but that is another matter that should not concern an expert like YOU. "... i must say having competitions in Martial Arts stories is literally necessary for a story in that genre..." I am thinking that if you lived in china, you would be the stereotypical author of such lazy low quality, copy paste, no content / no value Novels.

    "That's right. The clan competition is coming soon. I'm afraid that he will be expelled soon."
    Extracting Billions Of Toxins And Tempering An Unsullied Body
    Eastern · Superior Human
  • BlackFan
    Replied to alsiee

    Your photo is interesting but you might think of seeing a doctor. You seem to have something weird on your face. Ho yeah, i see now. Forget it. That is incurable.

    So, one more Nightmare Dungeon wouldn't affect them much. Besides, the battle royale game caused less harm to the human body than those games created with the Nightmare Dungeons in the market. As long as one wasn't soaked in the isolated island twenty-four hours a day, one could still recover.
    My Dungeons Are Popular
    Sci-fi · Sister's Bride
  • BlackFan
    Replied to Inevitron

    Just saw the comment and felt that it deserved a response. I do agree that the guy is what you call a villain, But i think that you are misunderstanding the idea of what an anti-hero is. Maybe it is the hero label that is confounding you? Yeah it is a very poor one. Even just the idea of using the simple word of hero for any protagonist is weird and almost calling the readers as simple minded fools that believe in fairy tales. But the truth is that society does need fairy tales to survive. In the end, all of this "anti-hero label stuff" is only here to mean that it is not unusual for protagonists to be despicable villains. On the contrary it is more and more normal. It is the responsibility of the author to make us read more of the story (which in this case the author has not convinced me) and for us readers to not forget our morals beliefs even while empathizing or sympathizing with such a "sinner". That is what an anti-hero protagonist is. And it certainly is not one of those little self entitled protagonist acting like ss troupers and presented on pedestals as great heroes to weak minded readers.

    The Mage of Eternity
    Eastern · Calm Down
  • BlackFan

    Read a dozen chapters. Pretty standard for the genre until now. Writing skills and the rest is also standard. Which is no compliment. All in all it is kind of boring but it is minimally readable. For now, i will let this story gain dust in my library and maybe someday i will get back to it and get a more definitive opinion about it.

    The Path of Evolution
    Urban · Awesome
  • BlackFan

    Lol. The old IQ excuse. I, my weak self, also likes to use it when i am felling in the mood for a little trolling.

    It was just that this legendary giant with an IQ of 290 was so advanced in his thinking that ordinary people could not understand his world of thought.
    The Path of Evolution
    Urban · Awesome
  • BlackFan

    Man what is the chinese food? Here is another guy with near to a 100 years. Still alive and born in 1926.

    The Chinese physicist Lee Tsung-Dao also said, "The end of physics is aesthetics, the end of aesthetics is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is mythology."
    The Path of Evolution
    Urban · Awesome
  • BlackFan

    So that guy is an expert on theoretical physics. Good for him. We can see that he had so much godly knowledge about stuff that he didn't understand, i am sure that i could hire him to be an expert in unclogging my toilet. Jokes aside, here is an interesting fact. Yang Chen-Ning was born in 1922. and at this time is still alive. This means that the guy is more than a 100 years old!!

    For example, the Nobel Laureate in Physics, Yang Chen-Ning, said, "The end of physics is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is religion."
    The Path of Evolution
    Urban · Awesome
  • BlackFan

    The old dumb end of days scheme.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Path of Evolution
    Urban · Awesome
  • BlackFan
    Replied to BlackFan

    Since i took the time to make a review/comment here, i decided to read some more chapters and make a decision about this novel. So after reading past the 100th and some more dozens of chapters, it seems that little has changed. The author must have decided to stick until the end to a pretty static personality for the MC. There was some interesting dynamics there but it was too subtle to predict where they will go. All in all i think that it is a valid novel in a narrow niche genre. Not really my taste unfortunately. Which is a shame since some of my preferred MC are those labelled as anti-heroes. But all this reading is enough for me. It is time to stop. I am getting tired of endless chapters without much evolution or a satisfactory promise of it. Maybe someone else will follow the story farther and find more value than i have.

    The Mage of Eternity
    Eastern · Calm Down
  • BlackFan
    Replied to REKT_Mate

    It wasn't translated. I read the raws. It is on the chinese qidian site. Search for the chinese name. Then you can use machine translation.

    The Mage of Eternity
    Eastern · Calm Down
  • BlackFan

    This novel is an agreeable surprise. I have already read some 60s chapters outside of webnovel. And i think that i will continue to read more of it as time goes by. This story has many of the usual things that we are used to critic about these type of novels like low quality writing, dumb MC, dumb characters, forced plot, etc But it has something that is very unusual. That is. One of the worse thing that on can have is an unsympathetic MC. If the reader doesn't care about the MC then the reading will become a boring waste of time. In this novel it is even worse, the MC is extremely unfriendly to the point that it seems more like a sociopath or a psycho than anything else. These type of MC are normally liked more by bullied teens that are frustrated by life. And most author aim to portray them as some kind of moralistic hero or something and all the while they are randomly killing and destroying everybody and everything they don't like. But this author did no such thing. Right from the start the MC is shown in his true colours and rarely if ever is put on a moralistic pedestal. And when he does it, the writing is more on the ironic or sarcastic tones. These so called anti-hero are pretty hard to write well and most author will avoid them. I will say that the author didn't have a great success with this. It is still not easy to read the story. But the more one reads, the more it becomes interesting even if the writing continues to be pretty unoriginal and low quality. Which is very abnormal for most chinese webnovels. In conclusion this is not one novel that i would recommend for most readers. Far from it. But for those who are interested in something different they can try to take a look at it. Note that the first chapters are pretty hard to read for anybody with a minimum of "modern" moral sensibility.

    The Mage of Eternity
    Eastern · Calm Down
  • BlackFan
    Replied to TOG9

    Personally i would say that it's a bit exaggerated to reach perfection in many years. This is no longer a great speed up. It is a nuclear explosion. But this is already such a classical trope in these novels that is stretched more and more with every new novel, that we readers tend to not even realize or care for what it really entails.

    [Common Basic Staff Technique (Perfection)]
    Desolate World: Starting with [Selection Option]
    Sci-fi · Beating Wood
  • BlackFan
    Replied to Thy_Observer

    ""... which in turn makes him reach higher levels which increases his lifespan". Yeh i am sure that you are right that we can conclude that great idea after chapter 200 or whatever. You can even talk about what happened in the chapter 253 786 line 258 and how it relate to the 35º word in the 2º chapter. All very beautiful. It is a fact that it doesn't have anything to do with what was discussed here, but that is life. Isn't it? Ho and don't ask me to try to explain to you basic logic, I don't think i am smart enough to do it in way that you can understand.

    My Clones Cultivated Low Grade Martial Arts Until They Became Immortal Martial Arts
    Eastern · I'm Really Not Xu Xian
  • BlackFan
    Replied to Thy_Observer

    Giving justice to a novel that preach for the practice of suicide? I would surely be an idiot if i do that. It is trash and doesn't deserve anything but a beating. Seeing your words I suspect that you would make a good zealot for Heaven's Gate or similar.

    My Clones Cultivated Low Grade Martial Arts Until They Became Immortal Martial Arts
    Eastern · I'm Really Not Xu Xian
  • BlackFan

    Only read until chapter 6. Usual non-descript webnovel chinese MC. So nothing interesting there. As for the writing and story. Rushed, very rushed. So rushed that it has no taste. Just the beginning is so poor, i don't expect any better in the future. As usual it is a shame because the system idea was cool and could have made some good story.

    Cultivation: Start From Upgrading My Computer
    Eastern · Biting Wind
  • BlackFan
    Replied to MADE_IN_MEMES

    I reread my answer and your question. And i concluded that, regardless of your intentions (??), my reaction was apparently overly aggressive (even targeted?) and uncalled for, given the simplicity of your question. In other occasions of me being rash, i will maintain my stubborn position since I believe it was called for. But In this case i have no real arguments. You didn't give me enough words/concepts for me to stretch my sophistry. I can only say that It wasn't directed at you personally, but at a certain (perceived by me at the time) general attitude that i think as disrespectful to my values. Nonetheless i could have wrote the same thing in a complete different tone (I am getting grumpy with age). For what its worth, sorry for any bad feelings. I will not delete the previous answer so as not to loose the context. And the content is still what i believe (minus the tone). This is a public forum. Unrelated people can take it as they will. But who cares?

    "Su Ping, we are no longer young. I have to consider my future!"
    I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement
    Games · Loaded Dice
  • BlackFan
    Replied to Deeznuts69_

    My nit-pick deserves your nit-pick. So i will add a nit-picking to yours. That claim, about 50m, is very broad and narrow at the same time. There are so many factors in calculating the effective range of any weapon. And it is even worse when only considering something as general as the bullet calibre. For example, the Steyr TMP (9mm) has a claimed 100m effective range (or around that) which is double of the "army's" 50m. And one must also ask. Who is doing the shooting and at what target? But i do understand the idea. It doesn't matter how far a weapon shoots the bullet. It isn't that easy to hit a target as movies and games lead us to believe (worse if the target is moving/evading, worse if we are using some form of handgun). In that sense, i have to admit that my comment was overboard and kind of cheap in terms of humour. 😎

    The mercenary standing at the back took a look at the tactical machine pistol and handgun hanging around his neck. The two firearms had a firing range of 50 meters; firing them as a warning now would be nothing more than just a waste of ammo. It seemed like the heavy machine gun still had a few rounds of ammo left, so he could fire that into the smoke and try his luck first.
    Monster Synthesis Master
    Games · Zhuge Wanjun
  • BlackFan
    Replied to

    "... whats the point in being in a relationship?" Why don't you ask what is the point of existence while you are at it? There are tons of made up answers all over the net for you to pass the time. Some of them can even make you look smart to inattentive others if you learn them by heart. And who knows, maybe you will find one that you like?

    "Su Ping, we are no longer young. I have to consider my future!"
    I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement
    Games · Loaded Dice
  • BlackFan
    Replied to LewdSenPai

    Nice, it has been some time since i didn't check the webnovel site and as soon as i come i encounter someone who is so confused that he need my help. Why am i not surprised by this? Here is an idea for the confused out there. It seem that you can't deal with such a simple word as "review". So i do declare here for all those little weak mind, that can't think for themselves, that what i have made is not a review but a comment. Is it easier for you now? Is the world ordered again? I am sure that you would prefer a world constructed with square Lego blocks and preferably all with the same colour. In the meanwhile, i will silently wonder why is this thread still ongoing; why is the overall IQ of the world dropping so quickly. Or is it why more and more people like to be abused publicly?

    My Clones Cultivated Low Grade Martial Arts Until They Became Immortal Martial Arts
    Eastern · I'm Really Not Xu Xian
  • BlackFan

    Should be readable enough to waste some life. Seem to be a food light comedy with no originality but today i am not in the mood for it. The rest is the usual forced nonsense dumb choir comments and little else to see.

    Working As A Chef In The Fantasy World
    Eastern · Another World Gourmet