Late 20’s, massive fan of light novels! started to write my own
of reading
Read books
Thank you so much for this review, it meant a lot. happy you are enjoying it and good luck with your own work!
genuinely added that section in just for you! ha
neither can I! I've got some exciting story lines planned! (or atleast I think they are)
thank you, hopefully you'll enjoy what you come back to!
My tired eyed proof reading obviously failed there! I'll fix now, thank you
I don't really have a schedule, I just write when I get chance. Indian character wise, this is definitely something I plan to include (other than the harem members that were purchased), but I'm always happy to listen to any ideas of Ancient Indian characters if you have any.
I appreciate the feedback! I'll post any ideas I Have, I doubt anything will change anytime soon, if at all.
Lord of World Conquest? probably something better than that, it's tough isn't it!
thank you! I promise there will be some this month! really appreciate all of the support and you (and other fans) being on this journey with me.
I promise it won't be dropped, we'll be journeying together for a long time, this is my passion project and escape! unfortunately available time to write is my issue at the moment as the 1 year old is uncooperative when a laptop is open! I have some plans so I should be able to get back 2 chapters a week atleast next week onwards