“The Sky is not the limit to Mastery, for (as any science fiction enthusiast can tell you) there are infinite worlds left to explore once the sky is left behind." - Role Playing Mastery, by Gary Gygax
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Upon hearing the phrase, "tomorrow's meeting", Apollo's sphincter briefly clenched in fear.
I am feeling confused. Were not more chapters posted? maybe I'm getting my fanfictions mixed up but I could have sworn that he had gotten more people into his harem and Rias had her rating game against razor already
Every girl's crazy about a Sharp dressed Man.
Pineapple on pizza? It is the way.
looks like at least one chapter was skipped. this chapter came too early in the story. it skipped over him actually using the holy water.
it is a bit too bad he does not give her a nickname. calling her Red Queen all the time would be a pain. another name that comes to mind would be Ruby.
Yes, we do. and here are the photos to prove it!