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he should also be aware toki has the time tine fruit and therefore if a worst case scenairo does happen, she can just grab the kids and time hop like a week or a month to a hopefully much safer time period
now lets just hope he does the smart thing and off kaido before dealing with this new situation...
is that this janurary :? ita been a year since this comment
this is the superior version to all tge dumb systems
reserves and power are two different things. I think this is high for then because its a 3 year old outputting peak low class dps. like in the series most if the cast starting out were only outputting mid class levels of dps :I even if they have reserves to do more. Its a skill issue not a stamina issue
twilight healing is trash compared to the grail which valierie tepes has, qouldnt waste a piece on asia tbh
what is this sentence....
is this one still going, its been almost a year :/
i think you mean the jacket fruit, litterally is useless without someone else to wear you
pretty sure punching someone in the face counts as harm...