

2018-06-05 JoinedAustralia



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  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Void_City_16279

    Honestly? I have pretty much dropped this story. I had no plans going into it, and was just making stuff up as I went along. Now I have had writer's block for over 6 months, and have been unable to come up with any plotlines for the New World Arcs. If this story does update once more, it will likely just be a chapter detailing their training over the two years, and then it will go back on hiatus.

    Ch 15 The War
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to SpiraSpira

    There are a few types of errors. The most common ones are those that most people's brains just tend to skip over, and then there are those that cause you to stop and reread it a few times. I assume most of the errors you have had are the first kind, and they don't really matter unless you are trying to publish a professional book. This one is the former though, which is why my brain caught it. Good work on the story so far, I am loving it and looking forward to seeing what you do with it in the future.

    It turned out that Mr Wilson was what they'd call a "Texas Oil Man." Used to, that meant someone who drilled oil in Texas, but these days it meant someone who worked for a company that harvested the Biotechnica-licensed CHOOH2-producing wheat anywhere in the world and happened to be Texan.
    Skitterdoc 2077
    Video Games · SpiraSpira
  • Dysleksik

    I would probably replace the "used to" with "in the past." though I have to say it is impressive that we are already 42 chapters in and I am only now noticing the first mistake.

    It turned out that Mr Wilson was what they'd call a "Texas Oil Man." Used to, that meant someone who drilled oil in Texas, but these days it meant someone who worked for a company that harvested the Biotechnica-licensed CHOOH2-producing wheat anywhere in the world and happened to be Texan.
    Skitterdoc 2077
    Video Games · SpiraSpira
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to GodErebos

    I agree with you, I am saying that I believe that both Garp and Akainu follow what they want to do. You can see Garp doing this by how he always ignores orders and eats his rice cakes, while akainu's belief in absolute justice pushes him and he will do absolutely anything to achieve his goal. Although the war seemed to counteract that belief with Garp, I believe that should Ace have asked Garp for help, he would have thrown everything away to save him. The argument about Garp or Sengoku being a conqueror who works under others was to try to say my OC working under a non-conqueror was not that far-fetched. This whole conversation seems to have gone in circles and gotten confusing, so I apologise for that.

    Carter thought for a moment, before replying, "My dream does not require me to be a captain, as long as she doesn't try to steal my freedom away and start ordering me around, I don't mind following someone weaker. After all, your old crews First Mate was a conqueror as well, just because he served under someone else doesn't make him weak or hold him back."
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to GodErebos

    I am a bit confused at this comment. I said that the thing I said about Garp earlier applies to Sengoku. He still joined the marines and served under many non-conquerors before he reached fleet admiral. It is also my belief that there is no way that both Garp and Akainu don't have conquerors, it just hasn't been shown yet. If they do not In canon, then in this AU they do have it.

    Carter thought for a moment, before replying, "My dream does not require me to be a captain, as long as she doesn't try to steal my freedom away and start ordering me around, I don't mind following someone weaker. After all, your old crews First Mate was a conqueror as well, just because he served under someone else doesn't make him weak or hold him back."
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Andrey_M

    Poor use of diction, sorry about that. I meant to say malnutrition, but must have put anorexia by mistake.

    Realizing that his current state of health, i.e., anorexia is not conducive to training, Carter decided to eat a few more apples right now, as it is the only food source on hand. 'I don't know if these apples have the same caloric intake as apples from earth, but a regular apple should be about 80 calories, with not an ounce of protein. I am going to need another source of food, and soon' he thought.
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to GodErebos

    Same thing applies to sengoku, then.

    Carter thought for a moment, before replying, "My dream does not require me to be a captain, as long as she doesn't try to steal my freedom away and start ordering me around, I don't mind following someone weaker. After all, your old crews First Mate was a conqueror as well, just because he served under someone else doesn't make him weak or hold him back."
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Louis_Zimmer

    Any thing like that won't be for a while, that is a side storyline, while the main one is focused on action/adventure.

    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Shane54200

    I believe that there is a higher chance for the devil fruit to reincarnate in a close by fruit, but it could also reincarnate halfway around the world. The world government likely don't want to risk the chance of devil fruits reincarnating and falling into other pirates hands, so they don't use such a method.

    As he walked away from the two dead bodies, pulling out his Den-Den Mushi to call the marines to come and receive the bodies of all the pirates, he noticed a glint of silver to his side, in a bowl of fruit. Getting closer he saw a silver fruit covered in lightning shaped spikes, wrapped entirely in a bright yellow stem that comes out of the top of it in a lightning bolt style T shape.
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Louis_Zimmer

    There are multiple female characters within the story, that could be considered main characters. Though there is only one love interest.

    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to LeFlaneur


    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Eternal Thief
    Fantasy · Wahi
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Hyzouille_Gr

    I agree completely, and I thought I had left one in, but I must have deleted it with one of the drafted fights against him. I will try and edit it to put one of them back in later on today, when I have some time.

    Ch 15 The War
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Dieudonner_17

    Yes, I can see how it is hypocritical, but think of this as him just trying to find a reason to punch him, because he wants to but doesn't want to feel like a monster who goes around punching anyone. That is also why he didn't punch the lady, because she hadn't done anything to him so he felt if he punched her he would be going against his own morals, even if inside he wanted to. This can be seen later on in the chapter where he can easily save her, but doesn't move at all.

    He was Charlos's father after all, so he is definitely just as bad, if not worse than him. Carter hopped up onto the front of the box, staring down at the World Noble, before lifting his hand high up in the air and yelling out,
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Dieudonner_17

    A better description would be not a shred of loose fat. As in he is about 10-12% body fat.

    Standing on the peak of a tall mountain in the early morning was a handsome man with luscious black hair in a single ponytail flowing down behind him to his knees. He wore nothing but a pair of old leather pants, that reached from his waist down to his ankles, with the rest of his body seemingly shining under the sun's rays. His deceptively powerful musculature was impressively defined, with not a shred of fat on his lean body.
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Ballad

    That would be an awesome idea for a fic. having someone with the knowledge to fuse devil fruits into objects create an armour with abilities like magnet, darkness, gravity, barrier, slowness, and anything else they can find.

    As he walked away from the two dead bodies, pulling out his Den-Den Mushi to call the marines to come and receive the bodies of all the pirates, he noticed a glint of silver to his side, in a bowl of fruit. Getting closer he saw a silver fruit covered in lightning shaped spikes, wrapped entirely in a bright yellow stem that comes out of the top of it in a lightning bolt style T shape.
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to DupryCharzard876

    Yeah, but he only saves his friends. It just so happens that he becomes friends with everyone in oppressed countries, so he rushes in to save them.

    At 19 years old, Carter finally found what he considered to be the perfect anime, One Piece. This anime has it all, characters with clearly defined goals, who set out to achieve them not letting anyone stop them. Characters with many different powers, who can achieve insane speeds. A sense of adventure that seemed to be missing from Carters mundane life, and anti-hero main characters, who don't recklessly rush in to save everyone but have the righteousness to help those in front of them.
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to DupryCharzard876

    Oh, lol. I only watched the first season, and it was always believed that he destroyed the moon. Just looked it up and it was caused by trying to do the same experiment that gave koro sensei his powers on a rat, causing instability and an explosion big enough to destroy the moon. Sorry for the misinfo.

    That fight sent shivers down Carters spine and got him truly excited for the first time in a while. After finishing bleach, Carter once more felt empty, as he no longer had anything to watch. Looking around online he started focusing on anime with characters that focus on speed, watching any that he could find. Watching Assassination classroom, he was awed by how easily Koro-sensei seemed to destroy the moon without any form of superstrength, just moving fast into it to destroy the entire thing.
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Hyzouille_Gr

    I wrote a confrontation with Doflamingos multiple time, but every time I did it ended up being too big that the rest of the war disappeared in comparison. Because they both have Haoshoku (even if Carter's is barely awakened) when they clash it would send off waves of Haoshoku. that would have grabbed the attention of the entire marines, and I wasn't ready for that confrontation for now, so I left it alone.

    Ch 15 The War
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik
    Replied to Morg535

    Yeah, but I doubt she got permission from the royal family of ryugu. Koala learned under Hack, I believe, and became proficient enough to be an instructor.

    "Fish-Man Karate is an art belonging to the fishmen. There has never been a case where the Ryugu palace allowed an outsider, and especially a human, to learn Fish-Man Karate." He let Carter stew in it for a moment, "If I am to teach you, you have to promise me something."
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik
  • Dysleksik

    There were a few things I wasn't too happy about with this chapter, Doflamingos quote would have been fun to include, Whitebeards declaration of the one piece being real was a great moment but he said it as he died, so it didn't really fit. I found it hard to come up with a good way to make Luffy a rival for my OC, as I am not very good at getting inside a character's mind yet, especially one as empty as Luffys. I guess I could have had Carter say "Get stronger than me, or I will eat all your meat" Anyone who reads this, if you have any constructive criticism, feel free to provide it.

    Ch 15 The War
    Weightless - A One Piece FanFic
    Anime & Comics · Dysleksik