

2018-05-25 JoinedGlobal

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  • Kupkake02

    This sounds very similar to Ves and his spiritual masks. I wonder if Ves could copy this approach using his masks once he gets to a certain level of spiritual engineering.

    Merrill finally revealed a small smile. "It is a lot more complicated than that, but your simplified description roughly characterizes my operation. You are right. I create a personality model based on you and essentially channel it when I want to emulate your design philosophy. Since it is based on limited data that may or may not be reliable, the accuracy of this model of you cannot be guaranteed. However, as long as it is somewhat reasonable, the results that I can produce with it are enough to make a difference."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    All materials, including things like thread? Or does it mean all blacksmithing materials and the more difficult things to work with like cursed items or dragon scales?

    1. Allows working with all materials.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · Arkusar
  • Kupkake02

    F yeah, finally the aurora titan is getting some love. Now all I need is an updated remake of the laser rifleman mech that Ves made and the Blackbeak to get its first ever remake.

    "We should design more modern editions of the Desolate Soldier, the Ferocious Piranha, the Doom Guard and the Aurora Titan. I intend to reimagine them all so that they can offer comprehensively better value than before."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    True but its not his job to reach out to other pioneers, that is his foreign minister's job.

    Ves couldn't think of anything further at the moment. This was an indicator that he really hadn't put enough effort into forging new ties with his fellow pioneers.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    Okay so Ves is creating a loop where he uses unique mech design spirits to create more unique mech design spirits. Would mech design spirits created by other design spirits or other mech design spirits be like the kids of their creators? Also what does this mean for his other design spirits, are they going to get phased out. Actually I dont think that will happen because a lot of his normal design spirits have very unique abilities that mech design spirits will never have. Mech design spirits might be good for more standard Larkinson mechs but when you need a wild card solution you go to the normal design spirits, arnold and ylvaine are good examples. I hope that the mech design spirits have their own unique abilities and aren't too heavily influenced by the design spirits that helped create them. Mainly because I dont want those design spirits to become obsolete.

    Ch 3570 Marriage Between Two Concepts
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    Every time the author brings up the polymath's record for breaking through to master and star designer and Ves states that there is no way he will break through that quickly, it makes me think he will. Either because of the system or some other factor. Of course that also brings up the question of did the polymath become a star designer on her own or did she have the help of a piece of the metal scroll. It would make so much sense if that was the case and give us hope that ves can replicate or surpass some of her feats, especially her mech designer advancement records.

    Ch 3549 Natural Allies
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    Am I the only one calling BS on Ark for leaving the clan in the first place, if his plan was to do almost exactly what Ves is doing. The only difference is Ves doesn't want to create a state whereas Ark does. Both have grand ambition and both need to go to the Red Ocean in order to fulfill their ambitions.

    Ch 3421 The Family Left Behind
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    Unless its people on the outer rim of the galaxy being murdered by aliens, in which case we dont give a $hit about the survival of them. I think Jovy actually means the survival of all the citizens of the galactic heartlands.

    Jovy gave Ves a friendly smile. "I'm aware that you have trust issues, but we Survivalists value credibility more than most people. It's part of our ideology since we can never tolerate betrayal in matters concerning the survival of the human race."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02
    Replied to jeebjanson

    2/3 of those aren't Ves' fault. The AI was something that Ves was forced to open by Calabast and the unleashed 5SC was something he inherited from his mom. He was also forced to help create the Dwarven empire but he did end up setting those events in motion in the first place. Hence why I said 2/3.

    Jovy gave Ves a friendly smile. "I'm aware that you have trust issues, but we Survivalists value credibility more than most people. It's part of our ideology since we can never tolerate betrayal in matters concerning the survival of the human race."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    Your descended from Rubarthans and one of your mechs is piloted by a Terran ace pilot.

    "I see. I don't have any ties to the Terrans and Rubarthans anyway. It's not worth it for me to associate with them if I'll always be treated as an outsider."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    Here's my thing, the author loves throwing Ves curve balls. Gloriana is a giant one that turned Ves from a definite Fridaymen lover and Hexer hater to the opposite. In my opinion, it is very likely that the Terran clan that Ves made the Ouroboros for, will show up and attempt to heavily recruit Ves because its the one thing that Ves along with most readers would not see coming. It also throws Ves' entire future plan into wack which the author loves to do.

    "A lot." Jovy immediately answered. "That's why you shouldn't join one of these dominant alliances. You'll be giving up the chance to earn favors from the MTA just so you can obtain scraps from the first-rate superstates. The latter may be strong, but neither of them can match up against our Association! I think someone as clever as you should know which is the better choice."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    I don't think Jannzi and the purnesses have thought through what happens if they get Ves out of his patriarch seat. Nothing changes, he supplies the clan with their best mechs, their best weapons and trump cards, most of the money they make,he is well liked and needed by the other groups in the GSA, and he is the only one in the clan that can access the Larkinson mandate. Good luck taking over, if Ves holds the keys to basically every aspect of the kingdom. Jannzi definitely hasn't thought that through but the purnesses might have thought about certain aspects and how to deal with them. Or maybe the latter group is smart and has already thrown away their initial plan. Instead they play the long game and grow as a major family in a powerful top tier space clan over generations. Especially since they have to know how much Ves values loyalty, it's the dividing moral line for Ves. Everyone on one side is a disposable test subject and everyone on the other side is family. Furthermore, it would be smarter for them to want Ves to turn the succession system into a monarchy, that way they can make friends with the ruling family over generations. Further securing their place in the clan and maybe they get lucky enough to have one of their descendants marry one of Ves'.

    Ch 3382 Planning Friends
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    I swear Ves, you better stick up for your clan against your stuck up wife. Remind her that it's your clan that is securing her clan's future and you were the one that gave the Hexer's the ability to exist as long as they have in the komodo war.

    Gloriana disagreed and looked down on Ves' opinion so much that she didn't even deign to refute it. Her disdainful expression conveyed enough of a message of what she thought about the idea of Aurelia becoming friends with the offspring of a glorified plumber!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    I still remember when Ves was vehemently arguing with that apprentice mech designer from the vesian rebels about modifying neural interfaces. I recall her swaying Ves a bit when she mentioned that expert pilots are meant to have custom neural interfaces to let them pilot their custom expert mechs better. Her name was something Jupiter and she told Ves that they would meet again. However, that hasn't happened yet but Ves does need a neural interface mech designer. It would blow my mind if the author brought her back for this purpose, even though that is super unlikely.

    Part of the design work that Master Willix conducted on the Larkinson expert mechs was modifying and customizing the high-end neural interface models that were specially developed for the purpose.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    So Rion wants to exploit Ves to get to the Red Ocean, for some reason, even though he should be capable of getting the MTA merits on his own because the Vulcan empire does have master mech designers. I am sure some of them are loyal enough to Rion to give him enough merits to get into the Red Ocean. There has to be a good reason for Rion to want to go to the Red Ocean with Ves specifically. Furthermore, I wonder how Rion creating a Dwarven sovereign state will affect Ves considering Ves will probably bring him into the Red Ocean. So anything Rion does is inadvertently attached to Ves which is not good for him. Since Rion does not seem like the type to take kindly to waiting 50-80 years until Ves becomes a master mech designer, at which point he can tell the MTA and CFA to kick bricks. Actually, I wonder if Rion will join the Larkinson clan directly which would be the smarter long term play. As a result of it directly attaching him to Ves who he knows can for some reason time travel and appear in people's minds. Or if he will join the GSA which is a good short term play but bad long term one. Maybe the Dwarven state could be a branch of the Larkinson clan, that would be interesting and cool.

    Ch 3346 Imperial Ambitions
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    At a certain point I thought Ves would be like "So are you just always going to talk through a loud speaker or can you can show a bit of respect and speak to me with your inside voice."

    Ves couldn't count the amount of times he was shocked today. Of all of the ambitions that he had ever heard from a person, no one had ever been as bold as Emperor Rion, who openly wanted to defect from human civilization!
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    To be fair they started it and technically you never directly intended for the war to get this bad. Nor did you create statues that forced the dwarves to act as they did, the crazy already had to exist in some way. However, I still think Ves should have gotten rid of the glows of both sides, once it got too bad. So that way it seemed like Vulcan was dissatisfied with the civil war and thus the Dwarves are forced to stop. Then they could have defended their borders better and saved more Dwarven lives. Plus, I think Ves missed an opportunity to take further advantage of the Dwarven state. He is literally Vulcan so imagine the benefits he could get, if certain Dwarves knew that. I am sure he is going to find out in the next few chapters but he should have set his prejudice and anger aside to get those benefits himself without having to fight an ace mech.

    Ves let out a deep and nervous breath. "Let's hope the dwarves are generous enough to look past my previous deeds."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    Ves, every single major change you have made is always because you get your a$$ kicked in some way or your about to get your a$$ kicked. Every single time, there has been no exceptions. Also I am pretty sure Ves has said that he needs to stop focusing on the design spirits so much before. Then he started to experiment with enhancing mechs with spirit energy to enhance the pilot. Yet after that he hasn't dont much to directly increase a pilot's skills without the design spirit as a middleman. I hope that changes and he doesnt lose his way again. Or at least that he is able to correct himself when he does, without having to get his a$$ kicked.

    Ves needed this humbling reminder. He just wished it didn't come in such a painful way.
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    I figured the author would have a way for Ves to walk away with a few dwarves added to the clan. Its a very unique cliche to this novel, the cliche being for Ves to always gain more people whenever he enters a state full of zealots of any kind. Even if 99.9% of the time he only want to recruit select people going into that state or no people at all. Personally, I think it would be interesting if the Dwarvs contributed Fleet carriers to the clan because then it gives them a unique position in clan. Since only Dwarves could fit in those Dwarven fleet carriers, it means that Dwarves, whether Ves likes it or not, will always be a major part of the Larkinson clan. Or at least they will be as long as those ships exist and by the time they are gone, it wont matter anymore.

    "I was too naive to think the Vulcan Empire was a pushover. I got too carried away with the thought that it is a flawed state that is rife with internal division. Its military is still strong and its crop of ace pilots are truly close to god-like in strength. My clan is far from contending against even a fraction of the power of a second-rate state."
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor
  • Kupkake02

    There is still an ace pilot that Ves knows that could intervene. Someone we havent seen for many many hundreds of chapters. We also dont know why this ace pilot is even attacking and if they even know what is going on in the rest of the galaxy. Heck, we dont even know if they are attacking. They could just be trying to communicate and showing that they are strong enough to contend with the clan, since Ves did fire the first shot.

    Ch 3339 True Friends
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor