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Yeah this is just too weird, fetus that can talk its just not something easy to write about and just kinda makes it hard to take it seriously
Uhu, kinda hard to believe humans just come up with tech to cut space out of nowhere lmao. If it was reeds or stark maybe it would be more believable but the government?
Just anotheer usual AI story
That was hot
Too much AI
Bro just stop with the bait, just don't post anything till the chapter, jesus
Probably another franchise, the mc being the only different vampire don't make much sense and it kinda of breaks the immersion
Ok that was good, thought this was going to be one of those fica the enemies always runs away or the mc let's them live for some reason
Will any enemy actually ever die In this story? I'm getting the vibes this is one of those everyone always manages to escape at the last moment
Can anyone explain the circumstances with the lady? I've read the novel but didn't finish it