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Pretty darn good with a pretty interesting Mc. Wasn't expecting much going into it but worth the read.............. So far ............ Keep up the good work
Currently caught up to chapter 20 and I can say with full confidence that this is (Currently) the best cyberpunk ff out… if not in the top 3. I usually judge pretty strictly but I honestly don’t have many gripes. And hey, it’s actually really good English. ‘Nuff said. Love the way everything is portrayed. I can’t only hope this doesn’t turn into one of those “keep collecting for the harem” types. Loving it as it is now.
Pretty decent read to pass the time if you can get around all the “convenient” things that happen. (Which happens pretty friggin often) Dude was a regular human which just so happens to have Ophis conveniently living with him for years because she smelled his…cooking? Gets an infinite mana supply/power Isse conveniently dies and he gets a Boosted Gear/Incursio fusion Conveniently goes to a world and barely manages to out-Op the boss just because…? (Also he can boost 10 times even tho he was just a regular human the day before) All of this is in the span of 2-3 days btw.
Started great then turned into a acid trip. Great idea that fell into a crack-fic hole. Real shame. Almost feels like dbz fused with a failed attempt at a gamer forced into the whacky races.