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I hope he develops a resistance to this kind of blocking of his powers.
I was a bit vague here but i meant him looking attractive not she hulk. I agree that she-hulk is attractive
Honestly, the salvatores never learn.
I think it would be cool if when fighting he develops a skill that increases his rate of growth with regards to skills like swordsmanship and fighting due to reaching a divine level of swordsmanship
I might be wrong but a really tall titan should be able to cover 50 metres in less than a second.
It would be so cool if she became really strong and went to the lucifer tv show.
Is might just be me but i feel like the things that make heroes heroes is that despite bad things that might have happened they try to act with the best intentions and help others. When heroes turn away from that path and disregard is when they become villians and anti heroes. I feel like wanda is kind of on that line between anti-hero and villian(depending on the time).