



2018-05-11 JoinedAustralia

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  • Maudib

    Translators try to explain, and even seem to put a lot of effort into researching details, to explain better to us readers. And they make a point of reminding everyone this is just a story, don't go believing or trying various things the author makes claims about. Quite responsible of them, kudos to them. They also correct many mistakes the author makes in details and consistency. Some numbers changing and bad grammar are easily forgiven as a) all faults clearly came from the author. And b) it is obvious the translators have worked damn hard trying to correct errors. As for the story whilst it seems a collection of overused situations. It is interestingly put together... at least in the beginning. Ignoring the usual OP MC, can do no wrong and everything goes in their favour, every thing needed just happens to be received beforehand, it is still entertaining... but it becomes less and less interesting as the Chinese arrogance and superiority ramps up more and more. Everything good in the world was clearly created by the Chinese, and all other nations are inferior. Typical of many novels on this site, but this novel arrogance & superiority +100%. Even further the more you read into the story the more you realise either the author has a big grudge against numerous other countries, or they are very racist. Especially against Korea. I fear for any young Chinese children who read this and think this kind of culture is normal. The MC starts as a reasonable individual, though selfish and claiming everyone else is pretentious, whilst it is ok for them to do whatever they want. Then the MC becomes a bully, abusing their power, because proportionate response or behaviour doesn't seem to be in the MC's mindset. Or more likely just racist. If you are bored it is entertaining to read, until the racism is too much to bear. But don't let any children read it.

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