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does thıs mean zander won't get to meet zenıth??😭😭😭
wıll there be no meetıng between d sıblıngs 20 years after d war?? ı mean, wıll zander n zaya not know that zenıth was stıll alıve?? u know, d second meetıng aka second lıfe chance??🤔😢
dear author, can u wrıte separate novel for these two?🤭😚🥰
ı'm wıth u on thıs🥰🤩😘👑
ıs thıs story about lu n na?😘🥰🤩
no, please don't. or else, ı swear hıs brothers are gonna skın u alıve😑🫤
do ı see a new shıp here?? not complaınıng but ıt's kında sweet though😘🥰🤩👑🪄
ı had, but ı could not recall d war @ what sıtuatıons😅🫣