

2018-05-11 JoinedBelgium

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  • Shadowofdeat

    See this! I just gifted the story: Dragon

    Ch 413 Popularity
    My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!
    General · Weng Liuli
  • Shadowofdeat

    See this! I just gifted the story: Luxury car

    Ch 1 Giving Birth
    My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!
    General · Weng Liuli
  • Shadowofdeat

    First he is on an island, he finds a box, next second he suddenly has a blueprint from a person he befriended. Then he suddenly has a raft and a shark that attacks. Not to mention I saw the name Su Mo popping up once in a while that I recognize from another story similar to this one who ALSO was attacked by a shark. *sighs* look I got no qualms with you and I don’t really care where you get your ideas from but if you’re gonna steal pieces from other stories at least be smart enough to CHANGE THE NAMES! And also try to explain things more clearly in the story. One seconds he’s on the island with shortage of space, the next he is suddenly on a raft. WHEN did he build the raft? HOW did he build it? Explain how he gets items and blueprints instead of randomly jumping from one topic to the other. I’ll say it very simply so you can understand: IT’S CONFUSING!!! Please for all that’s holy, DO something about it!😵‍💫🤯😒😞

    Ch 10 Ready to build a house
    Sign-In On My Raft
    Games · Aniki1
  • Shadowofdeat

    I really like the story and hope you update soon. I’ve read many stories similar like yours but they all stopped at chapter 40. I’m begging you, giving you a 5 star review PLEASE don’t stop the story at chapter 40 and keep updating. I really love this story and will be disappointed if you drop it now. 🥺🥺🥺🥺

    Global Survival: 100 Times Cultivation Speed From The Start
    Sci-fi · Waiting For Compliments Online
  • Shadowofdeat

    See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair

    Ch 40 Defeating the Demon Skeleton
    Surviving in Another Dimension: I Can See Hints
    Fantasy · A PIece of Pudding
  • Shadowofdeat

    See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair

    Ch 40 Assault Crossbow
    Ocean Survival: Check In to be the Great Voyager
    Sci-fi · Bombastic Winning
  • Shadowofdeat

    I love this story but from what I noticed, it's been months since the last update. So! Let me be the first in the last couple months to give a good hint to the awesome writer of this story: PLEASE FOR MY SANITY'S SAKE, PLEASE UPDATE!!!! I love the story, it's awesome, amazing! Fantastic! So please update it. I really wanna know what's gonna happen next X3[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

    Survival in Space: I have Hundredfold Enhancement
    Sci-fi · Heavy Fist Eat Chicken
  • Shadowofdeat

    See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

    Ch 83 Insta-kill Before They Even Appear!
    Tribe: I Become Invincible With My 10,000x Bonus From The Start
    Fantasy · Strange Human
  • Shadowofdeat

    It's FOUR STAR!!!! You made him break through back in the prison rebellion. The test to enter the Thunder god army, remember?!

    After looking at Princess Jonah's interface, Sullo nodded in satisfaction. Who would have thought that a three-star lower god like him would actually be able to create a god-level believer.
    Age of Gods: Thousand Folds System
    Sci-fi · Follower of Four Gods
  • Shadowofdeat

    He's ALREADY A 4 STAR GOD!!! You idiot! Try to keep up with your own story, aye?! [img=faceslap]

    A three-star demigod actually wanted to create a divine-level believer. This was simply unheard of.
    Age of Gods: Thousand Folds System
    Sci-fi · Follower of Four Gods
  • Shadowofdeat

    He already is a four star god yet now he's suddenly back a three-star god? If you're gonna copy text from your previous pages then at least alter them enough that it ISN'T noticeable that you copied them. [img=faceslap]

    He discovered that it was just a little fellow who was about to break through to become a four-star god.
    Age of Gods: Thousand Folds System
    Sci-fi · Follower of Four Gods
  • Shadowofdeat

    Can you please update now? It’s been months since your last update and I really like the potential of the story so please update. Pretty please with a cherry on top?? 🥺🥺

    Isabella's Magical Space
    Fantasy · Oppo_Red
  • Shadowofdeat
    Replied to Selida_Rayford

    Mainly the grammar is the problem and that there is not enough difficulty for mc. Every story has problems for an mc but hers are barely there. It’s fine that she stays calm in situations but the problems are never too much for her. How is life challenging for her when there is little to no problem? Don’t get me wrong, I love the story and all but I would like to see others helping her when she actually NEEDS it. Not just for building materials or their connections to the higher ups. In real life everybody asks for help at least once in their life. A moment when they are in over their head, but she doesn’t. For example: the mc can’t swim in normal situations you learn how to swim from others slowly but this mc gets someone to teach her and after observing their swimming style, tries it out and poof! She knows how to swim as if she has always been able to. There are no flaws or struggles, she just learns and masters it in one go. It’s THAT that I’m talking about. When a kid learns to read for the first time you don’t see them read an entire harry potter book out loud with no problems immediately afterwards. They struggle, they make mistakes, the mc doesn’t. Anyways I’m just giving advice, nothing more. It would be a lot more fun to read if she would be forced to rely on her hubby once in a while. It feels a bit as if he is sometimes pushed to the background.

    Isabella's Magical Space
    Fantasy · Oppo_Red
  • Shadowofdeat

    See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair

    Ch 1 Giving Birth
    My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!
    General · Weng Liuli
  • Shadowofdeat

    I like the story and would love to read more, however, there needs to be work done on the grammar and character design. The story is good, overall. I don't know if this was the writer's intention or not but the MC is leaning heavily towards being a Mary-Sue. Which, while I don't mind it, it IS annoying that she knows there is trouble and literally WALKS IN AND BACK OUT OF IT WITHOUT PROBLEMS! Okay, the evil girl makes very clear signs about her plans but COME ON! Can't they at least be a bit more secretive and difficult to handle for the MC? Is that too much to ask? I also find it annoying how you write the male lead off as cold and distant in the beginning but the moment he meets her (love at first sight and whatnot) he is all over her and completely changes into a charming, happy man with barely a single sign that he is a germaphobe. Can you please write out his personality clearer? Is he a cold and distant man or a warm-hearted one? Also make sure the MC has FLAWS! The fact that she learns things without showing (or at least not to my knowledge) any trouble makes it hard to see her as a person and more as a robot that learns and quickly adapts to everything. How about you show some limits? Show that she's not an emotional robot that can quickly fit in with any problem (just like her best friend for that matter). Her best friend is also like that; any girl that was almost assaulted would be upset yet she laughs it off as a mere joke. BE. SERIOUS. Don't let them laugh off difficult life problems as if it's nothing. Losing your life can be traumatic (in my opinion) and being assaulted even more. Try to give more depth to the characters, give us more details about them. And for bloody he*l's sake don't turn every couple in a Love-at-first-sight romance. It's old and VERY unrealistic. Other than that, it's good. Try to work around those points and you'll do just fine. [img=recommend]

    Isabella's Magical Space
    Fantasy · Oppo_Red
  • Shadowofdeat

    Hope you update soon. I really like how it's coming up. Maybe you could have her go into the mountains where she'll be able to save eagles, snow leopards, vultures and so on. Oh! Maybe have her find someone who is a dentist or something? Anyways, on a side note; you are making her into a mary-sue. Personally I don't really mind but keep in mind that people are not perfect and even she should make some CLEAR mistakes. Having her get into trouble but walk out of it just as easy makes it kinda boring. So please make sure she's not TOO perfect. And UPDATE!!! PLEASE!!! I really wanna know what's gonna happen next. Is she also gonna cross paths with Lycans aka werewolves? How about Big foot? Harpies? Vampires? Don't tell me the only supernatural creatures in the world are mermaids and those people after her parents.[img=recommend]

    Ch 66 66 Hidden
    Isabella's Magical Space
    Fantasy · Oppo_Red
  • Shadowofdeat

    See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

    Ch 1 Doomsday Survival Game
    My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!
    Sci-fi · Catty Catty Catty
  • Shadowofdeat

    Where did Irene come from??? I read and reread and last time she was drowning in the cavern with her fellow believers and now she's in the same group as Mcgee! Where is the connection?? How did they find eachother? What happened during that period? Seriously this is confusing. :/

    Ch 75 Food Delivered to Our Doorstep
    Taming Beasts to Survive: I Can See the Prompts
    Eastern · Global Game
  • Shadowofdeat

    Do you HAVE to repeat everything twice to make us understand that someone is shocked or crazy or something? If you really want someone to understand that your character is shocked or something try to use different synonyms or different ways of explaining. But seriously! "Klein didn't dodge" "Yes, he didn't dodge at all." Something like that really can get quickly on someone's nerves. Also, try to make a character speak everything at once. you seperate the sentences all the time it's annoying and confusing to the point one doesn't even understand if the mc is saying it or someone else.

    Ch 218 Can’t Even a Cheating Device Make Up For the Difference Between the Two of Them?
    Digging to Survive: I Can See Hints
    Sci-fi · Sword Old Wolf
  • Shadowofdeat

    A few chapters ago Klein plans to go the abandoned dragon nest. He skips from one tomb to another and that's okay but suddenly he is in a tomb with a cereberus and the next chapter he suddenly has gotten his hands on the treasures in the dragon nest! It doesn't make any sense! Please try to solve this, it's really confusing and annoys me greatly.

    Ch 66 Little Fox and Little Wind Evolve Once Again!
    Digging to Survive: I Can See Hints
    Sci-fi · Sword Old Wolf