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2018-05-02 JoinedSuriname

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  • Curtis_martian

    I love empire stories. i hope to see more chapters soon. There is on thing that irks me though! Why doesn't he have a system?

    South American Empire
    History · Well_In_a_Frog
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to ArthurStarling

    don't forget heavenly dao watches in worlds with qi, and gods in worlds with magic

    This book has been deleted.
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to DrMcTitties

    You haven't read enough cn novels.

    Alexa gasped in pain at being stretched. Ian waited for her to give him the go-ahead. She nodded and he started moving. Alexa closed her eyes and hugged him around the neck as he penetrated her slowly and repeatedly. She bit into his neck when he slid in at a good angle and was happy when he continued in the same motion. They both enjoyed the slow torture for a few more minutes.
    Hollywood King
    Movies · TC_Liyanage1
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to Ballad

    LoL, why wait when you have everything ready.

    As he had a whole library of all Hollywood films, series, and stories, he decided to aim for a genius image in the industry. He was planning to release a lot of things, so starting off with a book seemed pretty good for him.
    Hollywood King
    Movies · TC_Liyanage1
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to Turbid_Nightshade

    maybe because it's a living being?

    [ Obtained a tier 6 top-grade lookout fish egg! ]
    I Inherit An Auction House At The Start, Trillion Times Rebate!
    Eastern · Place of Belonging
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to fearlessj2008

    It would be a fun thing in the long run. dude is practicaly immortal which would lead to boredom in the future. These thiny little annoyances would most likely keep him sane in the future unless he becomes a god and gets full control of his mind and emotions.

    Jean laughed at that and added, "Harry's business partners cannot legally operate a business due to laws you'll never hear about. Harry owns everything on paper, but even if he signed away his ownership, nothing would come of it."
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian

    this is incredibly hard. All my current result of trying has resulted in a loading screen like black hole. can't truly consciously build things in my head, but when i do think of something the image of it does automatically apear. anything done manually is incredibly hard.

    Harry's final goal was to see if he could figure out other means of using his mutant power. He was hoping for an ability like that of Mystique's which was similar to a wizard talent called metamorphmagus. However Harry had a feeling simply looking like someone else was not the limit of his mutant power. Thankfully the Phoenix Force had given him a clue, she said that his mind wasn't strong enough so Harry had been practicing advanced visualization techniques and mental landscaping. Harry had a very large imagination from all the things he'd seen and read and even from the games he played so he put a lot of time and effort into creating different mental landscapes with as much detail as possible as a mental exercise.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to Mashtyx

    Haven't you learned anything from chinese novels? anything not pure can't be wifed.

    Harry answered the door once more and first noticed the one warrior he fought before called Logan standing to the side of a bald middle aged man in a wheelchair and a African goddess of a woman behind him. She looked to be in her mid to late twenties but Harry knew that level of saturation of Natural Energy would inhibit signs of age until she was in her late sixties so she was likely closer to fifty than she was twenty. Harry wasn't interested in older women but he could appreciate beauty.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian

    wait what if wanda is his future wife and the fact that wanda said "no more mutants" could be the wife who killed many people.

    Pietro muttered to himself, "Bastard probably paid for extra lives," before saying aloud, "Let's get out of here Mystique. Without 'Pay to Play,' this guy's just a loser and he's even crazier than my sister."
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to KsAR502

    He's not hiding from the gov,but hiding from gods abd high level beings

    "Next, you can claim minor energy manipulation with a specialization in setting energy into objects. In other words an enchanter type power. This would be the most difficult as you would have to hide all your other abilities, but it would also allow you to continue your research and practice into relic creation."
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to Rimurum

    dimensional energy are good for dimensional skills. shields don't have anything to do with it. if mc decided to make a shield that banished attacks to another dimension woth dimensional energy then it would be another thing.

    Strength energy fused with Exotic energy wasn't difficult to find some applications for. It was easy to use to directly strengthen the body but using a few new spells he hashed out could now allow him to create a Magic Shield using Strength energy even stronger than Dimensional energy shields. Exotic energy magic shields were only designed to block magic and were actually very good at it but were nearly useless against guns. Dimensional energy shields were like hardened glass planes and could stop a few rounds of bullets in addition to magic but nothing that high powered. His new shield though was far stronger than any previous shield he could use. His next step was to see if he could charge an item with this shield and give it to others.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to Dragon_Slyer161

    don't forget that mc's exotic energy level will reach beyond what is possible in hp world. so he might really be able to do it.

    The Ancient One would also take Harry to the Mirror Dimension once a week to spar. Watching the woman fold citiescapes like origami paper made Harry wonder if he could do something similar with transfiguration.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to Daoist_Cain

    Walkers blood is almost like poison, that's why it can kill humans when bitten or scratched. so if he got blood in him while wounded by a bullet wouldn't it also cause an infection.

    Ch -1 About the 10x multiplier
    Bandit in the Dead (The Walking Dead/Multiverse)
    Anime & Comics · Daoist_Cain
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to _Alenkar

    I've seen many disgusting remarks that i let slide because it's the internet, but this one is just too much.

    She held back her smirk that Harry's opinion seemed to match her own. Immediately she realized how odd that was as she was almost 800 years old and Harry was twelve. Twelve years old children should not be so accepting of death. Then again, he did say something about dying and returning a year later.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to Mlzuum4

    tell your dad to stop cosplaying hulk. It's an expensive hobby

    A few questions and another check through the graveyard later, the group left just as the muggle repelling charm fell. What no one knew and Harry wouldn't find out for many years was that his broadcast was not just received by Sirius Black's monitors. Another very discreet intelligence agency recorded all airwave transmissions and a certain man with an eyepatch would be watching the video a few weeks later and recognize a certain orange tabby cat. Harry hadn't thought to encrypt the transmission but that was a problem for another day.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to Curtis_martian

    *out there

    He told them he'd memorized the Potter, the Black, and the Hogwarts Library. He also admitted to killing the Basilisk and finding Salazar Slytherin's study and with his ability to crunch information at impossible speeds, he quickly learned most of the magics in the world.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to HangerBaby

    He does know a lot about the basics which is most important. most knowledge put there is from family grimoires that isn't made public and most of these spells are nerver used in battles.

    He told them he'd memorized the Potter, the Black, and the Hogwarts Library. He also admitted to killing the Basilisk and finding Salazar Slytherin's study and with his ability to crunch information at impossible speeds, he quickly learned most of the magics in the world.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to JoSauer

    don't most magics have tracking? or am i confusing a ff again.

    Harry's weekdays were almost nothing when compared to his weekends. Sirius would be considered a level 120 Wizard with a Magic rank of 20, close to 21. When Harry started sparring with him, his own Magic Path Rank was at 16. Thanks to this difference, Sirius had been thrashing Harry for three hours a day every Saturday and Sunday.
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian
    Replied to fearlessj2008

    it's not that easy.

    "I've already memorized the library Hermione. The whole thing. Other than teaching you and Neville, there isn't much left for me to do here."
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • Curtis_martian

    what if someone puts zombie blood on a bullet and shoots him with it.

    Ch -1 About the 10x multiplier
    Bandit in the Dead (The Walking Dead/Multiverse)
    Anime & Comics · Daoist_Cain