Wish Me Good Night
Discovering more about her family, her sexual orientation, and her fate wasn't what she exactly prepared for on the peak years of her high school graduation. Befriending lost souls, reaching distant relatives, and having an accidental reawakening wasn't what she expected to happen either. But with all the things that she's been through for a year, you'd expect her to be numb from everything that goes badly her way.
Yet, that's where you're wrong as well. How could one agree, when Vanessa finds that she had been dragged in another conundrum along her merry graduation day?
'Is this world such a better than the world full of lies. Or is it something that you'd like to have and reach at the same time?'
'You can't have the best of both worlds, Pearson. So, think very carefully...'
'One needs to decide whether to sleep or not to sleep?'
'Choose wisely. But don't take your time. After all, your time is soon to run out.'