



2018-04-25 JoinedGermany

of reading


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  • Sirantulas
    Sirantulas6 months ago

    It begins with a great start. Bonus gym Gary Oak went against, with an isekai protag. Sadly, it devolves into "system" slop quite fast. The story didn't even need it in the first place as a counter type gym would actually be a fascinating read, but instead we get shortcuts through the beginning where instead of character development we get menus and stuff from doing basic things the MC would have done anyways. Also, we get the regular intelligence debuff for Canon characters that is all too common in this type of story.

  • Sirantulas
    Sirantulasa year ago

    Finally not some Unga Bunga Harem System trash fanfiction where the main character breaks the power scale by simply existing and has everything turn to cringe because the MC must never experience a challenge or grow emotionally, because ThAt WoUlD bE bOrInG . Nobody immediately likes him, no bs harem of every female in existence from the source throwing themselves at him and the characters don't immediately lose most of their braincells by being in proximity to the MC. I thought it was impossible for this site to produce something like this AND have it be popular. The grammar is a bit rough around the edges early on and sometimes the characters are a bit dumb, but that could just be me not being familiar with the source material.

  • Sirantulas
    Sirantulasa year ago

    Illegal kaiju activation. Exodia necross is a dark zombie monster while gameciel is a water aqua which cannot be summoned to the opponents field under yunas own floodgates since the summon of gameciel already checks if the opponent controls those types under gozen and rivalry. Still funny though

  • Sirantulas
    Sirantulas2 years ago

    I believe in Krabby supremacy.

  • Sirantulas
    Sirantulas3 years ago

    Removing another persons cat from their house without their knowledge or consent deserves death on a cosmic level. They should at the very least tell you where they brought 'em.

  • Sirantulas
    Sirantulas3 years ago

    How dare you disrespect the effect of Pot of Greed which let's you draw two cards from your deck! Also thank you for not going the typical fanfic route and have the MC bone every female from the series.