


I have come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all outta bubblegum.

2019-01-05 JoinedGlobal

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  • JustCallMeDaBoss54
    Replied to Lightscribe

    Where is that list though ?

    The Villainess with a Heroine Harem
    Fantasy · DustyDream
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Damn you really speedran this part lol, so much happened this chapter I was in the same state as Jasmine just like O.O wut ??? Is this all really happening? And well tbh this is great, this is why this is my favorite couple even if they're the ones that appear the least whenever they do appear shit actually moves along. But like tbh this truly is the best moment that has come from this series, no contrived misunderstandings, no forced and unbelievable crazy drama line, no, everything Jasmine has been experiencing led to her to be able to walk out this day, and thx to the friends Jasmine has been able to make thx to the earnestness she's shown to them led her to have this new option available to her, it's all happened slowly, it built up over a year of her actually putting in the effort to know these people, to help them and be there for them and it all culminated in this moment. It was extremely satisfying and liberating seeing her go out and try to choose something better, quite emotional that itsuki took her to her house and the parents instantly offered help and they followed through all the way with extreme kindness and earnestness and quite melancholic to see the talk with her mother, personally I'd never forgive the mother but welp that's for each person to decide and it was nice at least the mother opened her eyes and tried to look for a better tomorrow instead of rotting in stagnation. And well I guess a part of what's stopping Jasmine from pursuing Mayu was her fucked family situation but now that she has more breathing room that can take off more easily right ? ...... It's kinda wholesome how Ai and Jasmine "get along" lol Ai know her daughter is gonna be eaten by this big bad gal, and will Mayu be jelly Jasmine went to itsuki on her time of need ? Maybe this can kickstart their relationship? How awkward would it be of one of the brothers has been balls deep in jasmine ? Welp I caught up ..... I caught up I a relatively nice chapter but also at a pretty weird place, Michi/Chiyo seems like it could be kinda close to take off but with the authors love of drama and Michi's parents seeming to be about to enter the picture it's also seeming far away...... Mayu and Jasmine are also kind of up in the air atm, Jasmine clearly loves Mayu and Mayu could have some feelings but there's this big barrier around them it feels like that could still take some time ... Or next chap Jasmine could just go for it ? I feel Mayu would be down for it if Jasmine pushes it ... And well Haruna and Kanako have gone all the way which I appreciate, I didn't think it'd happen so soonish lol but it was nice, though welp there's still that crazed girl around. Welp it's been a fun ride and things are going in a nice direction, a very good story even if there are a lot of annoying elements.

    Ch 151 Chapter Seventeen: A Change In Address
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Pretty nice intro chapter to the volume, very sweet, we get the conclusion to Haruna and her parents and their take on her relationship and just very wholesome start.

    Ch 135 Chapter One: Home
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Wow a true npc life hu ? I just find it sad that her life is so void of meaning that she was happy just being ordered around and only using her head as a decoration. While I truly dislike stubborn and self righteous people like Michi this sort of passive and npc like individuals really just give me sadness and disgust. Though I do find it quite ironic the first time she's actually putting her foot down on something and making a stand it's so that her daughter maintains her obedient doll persona, to become as empty as herself, so done who can only nod along what other say and cruise through life without really loving it just sort of being there. Well on a sense this sort of npcs are very dangerous, they just let horrible stuff happen while looking and following mob mentality, she watched 2 girls lives be destroyed and felt nothing of it aside from a weird subtle feeling that they deserved it for straying for the norm. We really should have used more nukes. Welp the drama is on full on blast with all girls now. Jasmine is quite flighty and has grown very detached from most things but her friends slowly changed her hu? And it seems like she's slowly realizing of her awakening possessiveness towards her little bunny here, while itsuki doesn't like Mayu romantically she's a very possessive friend herself and is quite jealous Jasmine brought out a new side of Mayu so it'll be interesting to see where that goes. Since author loves drama she'll probably rat them out at some point or something similar. Welp tbh Ai and Mayu's passive and npc nature feel a little forced at times but welp it's believable enough, quite interesting too. Though this really does kinda feel like author is milking getting back to Haruna and where she went, like dod we really need to know all of Ai's backstory ?

    Ch 122 Chapter Eleven: A Quiet Life Is A Better Life... Isn't It?
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Man I really feel like things with Michi are repeated at nauseum, every pov from her it's just this same crazed self delusions endlessly. Someone really just needs to out her down before she goes on some crazed rampage, she's about to devastate Chiyo hu ? Welp Chiyo I'm glad you finally understood just how completely and utterly stupid your previous way of slutting around was, that's truly gonna fuck you up more and more as you continue living. Haruna continues running away.

    Ch 121 Chapter Ten: Searching, Both Inside And Out
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Welp seems like the family drama really is about to start, I thought that Kanako's parents would maybe be supportive but apparently not I guess, I hope things don't get too out of hand and they start trying to force them to break up though. Pretty wholesome start but one that also alludes to some drama coming, I hope we can get some nice sweetness before that though ..... Drama all around the friend group too, itsuki seems about to burst lol I'm guessing she'll tell Jasmine about how she thinks Mayu is falling for her ?

    Ch 112 Chapter One: We're Third-Years Now
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Well I appreciate even more growth on Jasmine, quite a scared girl under her mysterious and floaty persona hu ? But in a different way then Chiyo. Itsuki getting jelly her bff is being stolen from her, understandable but welp that's the difference between what you'd show to a friend and to someone you like. Though Jasmine and Mayu are still both oblivious to how much their relationship is growing and how close they really are hu ? Can't wait to see how they'll take that.

    Ch 102 Chapter Thirteen: Sometimes, I...
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54
    Replied to dogslayya554

    Idk about that dude, I'd feel pretty uncomfortable reading about her getting piped hard since she was 12 every night.

    Ch 58 Chapter Fourteen: A Crack In The Rock
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    I do find it funny that before her talk with Chiyo everyone was shitting on Michi and now all the comments are pretty supportive lol, like sure she's changing for the better a little in this chapter but just a little lol. Chiyo really is magical.

    Ch 57 Chapter Thirteen: Am I Wrong?
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    So yeah Michiyo actually seems to be a thing ? Niceeeeeee 2 Yuri couples hu ? I like that lol, and welp at e even Mayu x Jasmine? Nahhh that'd be too much ..... But maybe ?

    Ch 56 Chapter Twelve: A Distracted Heart
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Feels like Haruna is gonna find out about this slumber party and think Kanako is abandoning her for her other friends like before .....

    Ch 28 Chapter Nine: A Look In The Mirror
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54
    Replied to JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Ohhh hebab and of course Kanako having to come to terms with the whole lesbian thing, that Haruna has liked her while they played out their fake relationship, having to give up her feelings from so long ago towards Akio .... Yep this seems like it's gonna take a long while ..... Welp I believe in Haruna, go Haruna bend that straight girl.

    Ch 25 Chapter Six: Can We Start Over?
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54
    Replied to JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Also it seems that Akio could have realized Haruna's feelings from how she treated him around that time ? And how she acted after ? I'm also thinking there'll be some reveals about the reasons they revealed they were in love.

    Ch 24 Chapter Five: The Fight
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Man ... I mean they were kids really, they should have been like 12-13 so I get it, especially with Haruna, she really seems like the type to treasure the people close to her and Kanako really wasn't ready to give out all her time to just her which is sad .... But I get Kanako too, it's normal to want to make more friends and grow your friend circle a little, especially if they'd just entered middle school and had met new people, but well imma have to go with Haruna on this one purely on emotions cuz I'm a lot like her lol. And what's this ??? Doesn't it look like Haruna was on the cusp of realizing she had feelings for Kanako ? She just seemed to be about to understand what her jealousy and desire to monopolize Kanako meant, so while it wasn't exactly spelled out imma still go with that I was right lol. She was annoyed Akio was getting in between them too, and didn't want others close to her friend. And well Chiyo finally told her whatbit is she's been feeling! Lol nice ! ..... Although ..... While Haruna see to have liked Kanako and seems okay with a lez relationship Kanako ehile not entirely happy about it also thinks that gay relationships arent a thing .... And she really does seem to like Akio .... So I see a lot of pain and hardship ahead of us for Haruna to be able to bend her, you're gonna have to be a great girlfriend from here on out and bend that straight girl Haruna.

    Ch 24 Chapter Five: The Fight
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Perhaps I've been too harsh on you Michi I thought you'd flip out and try to push your own ideals and thoughts unto Kanako but you're just asking questions and letting her see how stupid this all really is, your unfounded hatred/ignorance of gay relationships aside everything that you said was reasonable, why is Akio doing this stupid game ? Why is he making them play out such a disgusting thing ? Welp again you gotta put in mind that behind everything Kanako really wanted to use this to get back her friendship with Haruna but that doesn't take away that Akio is manipulating them using their feelings in a pretty henious way. But well at this point Kanako you really should just continue this as a way to at least get back together with Haruna .... Hopefully Michi's word didn't shake her out of that ... I think they did and Haruna will need to cook something up to keep this going. Haruna herself seems to be on the cusp of understanding what she's feeling, but author seems to like to drag things out a bit so maybe she won't realize it till the end of volume 2 ? Like it took the whole first volume for them to have an actual conversation lol ? Like i actually do like the time for the development of their feelings and the way we get to see them grow and their inner monologues into their feelings are pretty indepth but it still definitely feels dragged out a bit lol. Welp it was a pretty good first volume if a bit dragged out in some parts, from the very beginning I though the characters felt very characterized and in-depth with distinct personalities and they were fleshed out pretty nicely, again I just really hate the premise and I think it could have been done with them reconnecting another way but welp whatever this feels interesting in it's own way (very annoying though). Solid 8/10 first volume.

    Ch 18 Chapter Eighteen: Questions
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Man I really don't like people like Michi, stubborn, hard headed, set in her ways and close minded, she seems like the type to like a routine and that includes her friends, if one of her friends starts acting different like getting a boyfriend or such she's not the type to be happy for them but start asking how that will affect her, it kinda seems that way, and I really don't like people that close themselves off from others opinions and just believe themselves to be right because of course they're right, no basis behind it theyre just right and can't let others mess with their perception of what's correct. That said I do understand she's just trying to help her friend and she's truly worried about her and how sad and depressed she's seemed, but welp there's a reason Kanako can't talk to her about it whike Haruna was able to talk things out with her own friends. Still .... Welp everyone can grow I guess and what's that ? Michi and Chiyo developing some tension between them ? It'd be interesting to see a girl so closed off to the idea of a gay relationship to get into one lol, Chiyo and Michi maybe actually does happen ? Welp of someone can get her to open up to the idea it'd definitely have to be someone like Chiyo.

    Ch 12 Chapter Twelve: Answers Nowhere To Be Found
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Welp it's obvious they knew each other before but they also grew up together with this guy hu? I don't really like the way this dude went about things though, idk he feels too self important but welp the two girls are fighting over him and all .... And I'm not sure I really like a Yuri story where the girls start fighting over a guy. Well maybe he knows what's up ? Does he know 1 of them liked the other and that's why they separated ? Like did he see one of them falling for the other but nit knowing how to handle it so she stopped talking to the other one ? Ehhh kinda doubtful, but idk why I get the feeling Haruna likes Kanako. Well I sure hope the guy knows what's going on behind the scenes or he's gonna have self cucked himself.

    Ch 2 Chapter Two: You Want Us To Do What?!
    Date Her Instead
    LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Nice to see the harem getting along. Junior sister still my favorite but Jiu Jiu is coming in hot to take that first spot.

    Ch 31 'Immortal Life Simulation'
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Ice cold beauty finally returns lol it's been too long.

    Ch 30 Your Uncle-Master is not an Evil Man
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point
  • JustCallMeDaBoss54

    Damn, pretty nice chapter.

    Ch 29 Even if I, Qi Yuan, Die in the Heavenly Tribulation Today!
    My Senior Brother is Too Steady
    Eastern · Get to the Point