

2018-04-21 JoinedGlobal

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  • Kaxhi13

    insert "unlimited power meme"

    "It's unexpected though, to bring my withered husk of a body some semblance of life. No bother, with my phylactery hidden in the separate plane, no one will ever be able to kill me. Also, with the constant supply of energy, my power has become unimaginable!"
    Professor Kal
    Fantasy · Mungknut
  • Kaxhi13

    lol, what a very teenager pov.

    School were made to provide workforce, employees, technicians; not thinkers. It was never about learning, it was about having the necessary level to be employed by rich, selfish people to make their bank accounts that much fuller.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • Kaxhi13


    His dad was similary handsome if some what plain. He had coal black hair and eyes and seemed to be well built. Only thing was what that he wasn't around very often and whenever he was always seemed to be rushing to get to the next place. But whenever he looked at Daniel and held him, he could still see the love in his eyes. He eventually got his fathers name too and it was Jackson. Oh yes that was his name by the way, Daniel Sylph, a weird last name but it is what it is.
    Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection
    Anime & Comics · Firehawk81
  • Kaxhi13


    Of course, those aren't the only two types of worlds but power systems across universes are generally similair, as far as he could tell with no experiance. So thats what he did. He wasn't exactly sure what to do so he just cleared his mind and tried to sense around and inside him.
    Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection
    Anime & Comics · Firehawk81
  • Kaxhi13


    So that's how his first day into this world was. Screaming, crying, milk (don't talk about it), and sleep. When he next woke up he was in a crib. As far as he could tell nobody was there and he did what he had been doing for the past months. Meditate. He was worried that after being born he wouldn't have been able to control his energy as easily, but it seems thst worry was unfounded. His core, the control he had on it, and its density were the same as always. And so thats how he spent his first couple of months untill he could finally see.
    Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection
    Anime & Comics · Firehawk81
  • Kaxhi13

    Dude/Dudette, this is awesome. I've been looking for stories like this ever since I've read History's Strongest Senior Brother, most haven't delivered and forgotten but you've went above and beyond. Whereas in typical cultivation novels you'd feel the transition from one arc to another till it becomes repetitive, yours doesn't. The transition is smooth and the "fillers" you put in between are very enjoyable. It's not tedious to read at all. I think I reached 197 in a day before I thought I needed a rest. However one critique I might have is the amount of characters presented. I know Xiri, Daoyi, Xia Yushan, the mother, the fox clone,the sect master and even the concealed emperor but I almost forgot about the Dragon emperor after the demon arc, what more about the other characters. Also I feel liked the plot has slowed down a bit in the demon arc but I think that's just me realizing I'm running out of chapters to read. all in all This story is solid.

    This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder
    Eastern · KaiserBlak
  • Kaxhi13


    After spending some comforting his mother that: yes, he was completely okay, and no, this wouldn't again. He was just careless this one time, thank you very much.
    This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder
    Eastern · KaiserBlak
  • Kaxhi13


    This paragraph has been deleted.
    This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder
    Eastern · KaiserBlak
  • Kaxhi13

    Yuhp, saw it when he appeared and tried to kill him. So we have the woman assassin transmigrator, Lie Jingye regressor, Longyi reincarnator,hmmm who else would be missing? maybe a system user or a cultivator from different universe.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder
    Eastern · KaiserBlak
  • Kaxhi13

    yeah, I realized that when he appeared. So we have the woman assassin trasmigrator, Lie Jingye as a regressor, Longyi as a Reincarnator, now what trope are we missing?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder
    Eastern · KaiserBlak
  • Kaxhi13

    dude, no need to apologize, just take your time, it's a hobby not a job

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Snow Curse (GOT SI)
    TV · tikller
  • Kaxhi13
    Replied to Brutality

    but but but... alexandra daddario. .

    Though, if I really wanted to improve my current lifestyle, I could probably go to the half-blood camp, there I would be relatively safe, but... I would be trapped forever unless I had a quest that require my assistance, and to be honest I wasn't about giving up my freedom that easily, not now that I could finally enjoy it with a healthy body, so I had to learn how to fight, or at least avoid the monster is a most efficient way.
    Percy Jackson: The God of Magic
    Book&Literature · CORNBRINGER
  • Kaxhi13

    wait, so, freedom is running away from monsters, living in sewers, not have an inkling of training to combat said monsters? Shit, I'd rather be in that "trap", get the most training out of it and prepare for whatever shit show would come up. Well with the current options, unless a third option comes up in the future. granted i know next to nothing of Percy Jackson aside from the movies.

    Though, if I really wanted to improve my current lifestyle, I could probably go to the half-blood camp, there I would be relatively safe, but... I would be trapped forever unless I had a quest that require my assistance, and to be honest I wasn't about giving up my freedom that easily, not now that I could finally enjoy it with a healthy body, so I had to learn how to fight, or at least avoid the monster is a most efficient way.
    Percy Jackson: The God of Magic
    Book&Literature · CORNBRINGER
  • Kaxhi13

    just face it author you just want to hit on the crazy hot bod.

    Just to spend my life on an impossible goal like trying to make everyone happy at the cost of my own misery? Fuck That! Daenerys can spend her entire life doing that! I might help her, Largely because I admire her goal, But I am not going to spend my life doing it.
    Snow Curse (GOT SI)
    TV · tikller
  • Kaxhi13

    good thing thiz method was not ignored, it's a popular use in fanfic

    I look at Bowen Marsh, Othell Yarwyck, Alliser Thorne, and Olly. They stood far in the back restrained and their mouths covered. I stared them in the eye and come to a decision. "That's why I order the execution of the traitors responsible for the mutiny... on the northern side of the wall. They will be chained, and when they raise as wights after their hanging. They will be taken to the south, to convince the southern lords to lend us their aid."
    Snow Curse (GOT SI)
    TV · tikller
  • Kaxhi13
    Replied to Darkmusho

    ah i see where the misunderstanding is, you thought that was a criticism?? Like whaat? those were spelling corrections. A bad criticism would be telling the writer he was a dumb fucj for mispelling a word, or suggesting he stop writing coz his story is shit, his character is shit and stuff like that. A criticism helps the writer improve his writing like suggesting alternative options on how to approach a subject, suggest better wording options for a sentence, help grmmar corrections. No my friend, what i did was not criticism, it's a helpful gesture, to help correct obvious typos and correct wrong notions on what a word would be used in a sentence. But seeing as you immediately become defensive as to being termed as a "newbie" means you do not comprehend the meaning I was trying convey in my replies. let me reiterate this again, those sort of comments are used to HELP the writer who do not have a beta, correct silly mistakes. It's not criticism. In fact, I think you're the only one who considers it a criticism. See, those sort of comments are quite common in other reading sites such as spacebattles, fanfic, etc. Where the writers and readers are interactive to create a good story. The writers have a beta to correct mistakes made by the writer before uploading it, and even if there are missed words or grammars they don't get butthurt by simple spelling corrections. In fact they appreciate it, coz it means the readers are invested in their story and they appreciate it much to give a shit to point out mistakes so others can enjoy the story as much as them. It's a BASIC COURTESY NOT a Criticism.

    "Your quiet the generous goddess" I said, a little shocked at all the little freebies I have been getting.
    In another world with my... Oh wait this is Naruto
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Kaxhi13
    Replied to Darkmusho

    yeah so that it will be easier for the writer to correct those silly mistakes. as far as i know, I comment only on those really obvious typos so that the writer can just easily edit out those mistakes. What's the problem here? really, I'm confused, you're the only one I've encountered that has a problem with those. It's not annoying, it's helping the writer and in turn helping the readers. Are you a newbie in this website or fanfics/novels in general? This has always been done. Or are you equating this helpful gesture with the people in real life who just needlessly correct your grammar? This is a writing and reading website, some people come here to improve their writing skills. Like is it harming poeple or are you really just an asshole? That's why webnovel implemented the paragraph comment ability so that it's easier to correct those mistakes. I'm appalled cause really you're the only one I've encountered that has a complaint about this.

    "Your quiet the generous goddess" I said, a little shocked at all the little freebies I have been getting.
    In another world with my... Oh wait this is Naruto
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Kaxhi13
    Replied to Darkmusho

    it's for the writer asshole, if you haven't notice most actually appreciate it. they don't have a beta so they need the readers to point out the silly mistakes. It's why "people always do that" in this website, to help the author improve his/her writing skills. It's basic courtesy for reading free stories. It's basically what's been done in forever with writers of fanfics. Grammar checks, spelling checks,etc.

    "Your quiet the generous goddess" I said, a little shocked at all the little freebies I have been getting.
    In another world with my... Oh wait this is Naruto
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Kaxhi13


    "Your quiet the generous goddess" I said, a little shocked at all the little freebies I have been getting.
    In another world with my... Oh wait this is Naruto
    Anime & Comics · Golden_Slime
  • Kaxhi13

    I'm actually curious, where did you see this? Like most fanfictions I've encountered portray him as dark(like a lot of them). I've encountered very few stories where they actually did not conform to light or dark bullshit and those i enjoyed. But i never actually encountered or remember any good Dumbledore portrayal.

    R.O.B was tired of reading about how Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was the greatest wizard of all time and how he craps rainbows. Fanfictions were a welcomed diversion of his, so when a web-novel site started up a competition on Potter fanfiction, he was frustrated when the majority glorified the dark wizard.
    Dark Lord Dumbledore
    Book&Literature · Chado_Sama