A hikikomori bookworm who enjoys and appreciates good literature
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I remember now. He is that vagrant guy near that bridge/ropeway.
Umm, who is Jie Jin An? I paused reading this novel for too long that I forgot who this character is.
When time stops, do gravity stop working too? If not, then things that are frozen mid-air should drop to the ground right?
If the time inside the formation is slower than outside, then aren’t the movements of creatures outside the formation supposed to look faster if observed from the people inside the formation? So, I think the flapping of those wings supposed to look faster viewed from the eyes of Mingshi Yin & friends. Whereas from outside, they would seem slower than a turtle.
No wonder there’s no sunlight on the Unknown Land. Most of the sunlight must be blocked by the Great Void above.
So, the 10 Pillars of Destruction are holding up Great Void from below. The Great Void must be very vast since the 10 Pillars spread across all directions of Unknown Land.
Oh, finally! I hope Jiang Aijian is not dead yet.
How did he get that Sword Box?
Wow! In my imagination, the last scene is so majestic. It would look so beautiful if it is a movie.