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thanks for the chapter, maybe it's not the right thing to do but it would be interesting if he gained an interrogation skill after that.
thanks for the chapter, was the group they found the one that killed all the people from the asylum or was it the group that Rick killed in the TV series in the farm part.
Thank you very much for the chapter, the development so far of the story is very good, I am anxious to read the next chapters.
Thank you for the chapter, will they suffer with some disease like in the TV series?
thanks for the chapter, I really liked this new ability, you can develop it in different ways which is very interesting, are you going to try to develop the prison better than what was done in the TV series, because it would be nice to put steel or iron plates on the bars around the prison.
Thanks for the chapter, one idea I give is for him to learn an ability to know if the person is lying or not, you can make this ability be the kind where he knows the person is lying but he doesn't know which part of what the person said is a lie.
Feliz Ano Novo!!!, e obrigado pelos excelentes capítulos, estou muito feliz com o desenvolvimento da história, até agora ela está muito boa em todos os detalhes.
thanks for the chapter
Obrigado pelo excelente capitulo, Genosha vai continuar na Terra para sempre ou vc pretende mudar o pais para outro planeta?
Thanks for the chapter, something I would like to see if you could add in the story would be of him trying to influence the group to behave as the survivors already behaved there for season 10, in an objective, clear way and where they always plan before making a decision like that to go to the CDC.