


Avid LN reader and anime watcher. Manga doesn't interest me. Love all the genre's except for romance.

2018-04-11 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • Grimhaven
    Replied to Suiyan

    Hey Suiyan, grats on the new novel. Been awhile. I've actually stopped reading Wisp at around Chapter 900 . It dragged out for too long, lol. I'll promise to reread and finish it.I hope this one isn't as long as wisp, lol. Grats once again and I'm only at chapter 2 on this one, but so far so good.

    Rebirth of the Chaos Tree
    Fantasy · Suiyan
  • Grimhaven

    Cue Doom soundtrack.

    Igor and Oleg have accepted their fate. Their life will end here. Before Igor gave the signal, he pulled out something from his breast pocket. It was a picture of his beautiful wife and daughter. 
    Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
    History · SorryImJustDiamond
  • Grimhaven

    Surprise surprise, the MC ruins the novel. Shocking right? This guy lacks common sense, doesn't know how to communicate, and just lost in his own world.It's like having all of Legoland all to yourself but the only thing you create from it is a basic one story, one room house with a flat roof with all of the brick masters standing there waiting for you to ask them questions.Verdict: Dropped

    Cultivation: I Can Add Descriptors To My Body
    Eastern · Heartless
  • Grimhaven

    His use of domain is different from what I'm accustomed to. His is more like a lair.

    Ch 38 Dragon's Domain
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasy · NegansPalace
  • Grimhaven

    Am I missing something or are the nightmares causing this mental breakdown? Or a combination of 2 traumatized memories nightmares and maybe his White Dragon racial trait? This guy was fine 1 chapter ago, lol.

    Ch 31 Down The Rabbit Hole
    A Journey That Changed The World.
    Fantasy · NegansPalace
  • Grimhaven

    Very well written and engaging. One of those novels that you can't put down because it's too interesting. I would still recommend this novel even though I have dropped it, just stop at the 400's. 2 major reasons for dropping: 1) It started to become like a DBZ show where at the end of each chapter was a cliffhanger. On top of that, a single mini arc would last at least 10 chapters. The MC would start creating his project for the contest...10 chapters later he finally finishes it and now another 10 chapters of face slapping. 2) The most biggest gripe I have about this novel starts around chapter 450 or so. The author started to turn this novel into a Chinese propaganda statement. So disheartening to see such a good concept for a novel turn into a political agenda. Like I said, I'd still recommend this novel, but stop around chapter 400 or so. Verdict: Dropped.

    Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?
    Fantasy · Absolute World's Best Sword
  • Grimhaven

    Anyone know how to read this without the fillers? Like, which chapters can I skip?

    MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith
    Games · TrueDawn
  • Grimhaven

    Okay, I am here to honor my word. I told the author that would leave an unbiased constructive criticism about this novel if I didn't like it. Clap, clap, clap! Congratulations dear author. I didn't even get past Chapter 31 before I had to drop it. I know you said to read up to Chapter 57, but damn I couldn't handle reading it any longer. Your MC is annoying. His character is someone who I personally would never consider to befriend, much less interact with socially. He's such a child, mentally and emotionally. Very cringy. But that is the best part about this novel. Your characters are real, too real for my taste. When I read, I like to escape, not to be reminded of how most people are not worth talking to because of their shitty character. Next time, dial it down a notch. Write an MC that's readable, not relatable (in a bad way). It's fantasy after all.

    Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon
    Fantasy · Anon22
  • Grimhaven
    Replied to Anon22

    Chapter 57 you say? I'll try to slog through it then. I've read the comments and it made me cringe at people complaining about the novel. If you don't like it, then there's no need to be an asshole and vent your frustrations on someone else's hard work and passion. Then I realized, I'm just like them, lol. But I will say this. If it turns out exactly how these morons are complaining about, I'll leave an unbiased constructive criticism instead. That will be my form of support.

    Single Wish: Rise Of The Omniscient Paragon
    Fantasy · Anon22
  • Grimhaven

    It's been awhile since I've done one of these. So here goes. Character design is the one major flaw here which hampers the reading progress. The typical MC mind set with this kind of isekai troupe is so cliche and really frustrating. You know everything that's going to happen, which is the end of the human race, and yet you still choose to go at it alone because you can't trust anyone with this knowledge. So, because of how it's written, you look like an ass clown when you turn down or refuse other people's help, especially those who are stronger than you. The author dazzles us with all of these cool things he can do because of his knowledge, yet leaves us puzzled when he acts like everyone is out to get him because of this knowledge. If that's how you feel, then for f*cks sake, stop showing off and just get on with saving the entire human race by yourself. In short, the verdict is: Dropped

    Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master
    Fantasy · ranmaro
  • Grimhaven

    That was dumb and handled poorly. By doing this, they would eventually loose two people from your defenses. One is Gregor, the one you banished and two is the MC since he's gonna leave the village anyways. They should've just let the MC go to another patrol. Such poor leadership.

    They banished him...
    New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live
    Games · Galanar
  • Grimhaven

    If you're so worried about the other clans, then why don't you just get Zhao Wen to gather all of the Rank Nine monsters from the Flower Association and have them go into the farm and turn them into your Generals. So easy, instant 7-10 Rank Nine creatures.

    Ch 201 Heart (1)
    Living In Another World With A Farm
    Eastern · Ming Yu
  • Grimhaven

    Question. Contestants from Earth should no longer compete in the Midnight Games, right? Because the prize affects the world they came from, so if Earth is in a war, wouldn't all of their hard work be for naught? It's like saying you won a lifetime supply of household products for a house that you no longer are allowed to go back into, lol.

    Ch 163 Smoking hot
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Grimhaven

    I don't remember this guy with Mo's Blessing. Have we seen him before?

    Ch 98 Spoiler Title at the end of chapter
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Grimhaven

    Um...is he a transmigrator with a system? That's new. Tbh, I didn't expect that.

    John looked over the plan and played it out in his head multiple times. Once he was sure he was ready, he took a step back and entered a void. The void existed in parallel to the existing universe and he could traverse it easily using the system's abilities, entering and exiting wherever he wished. He exited in the air above and behind the target, but when he exited he was surprised to see the man looking directly at him. Before John could respond he felt a sharp, painful rip in his neck. The next thing he knew, he was back behind the boulder, as if nothing had happened. In his mind, a countdown started. He had 59 minutes left to successfully kill the target without being detected.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Grimhaven

    Hello Alex, welcome to...."The Friend Zone", lol.

    Ch 83 A light heart
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Grimhaven

    This reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode title, "How To Serve Man". So ominous.

    "Good night Jake. I hope you can still sleep peacefully like this when you will know what the future holds for your planet."
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • Grimhaven

    Watch Inception, lol.

    "You're right, of course. Your path is not an easy one, Winter. But I have faith in you. Truth be told, I think your Authority could become one of the strongest ones in the game if nurtured properly. I suggest you take time off with the next batch and explore the possibilities. Read some books. Check out some paintings. Watch movies. Whatever helps. But I hope to see favourable results...
    Pantheon Online
    Games · Antihero
  • Grimhaven

    To be honest, I'd never play this game. PvP was never my strong suit. If I did play, I'd probably choose to become the God of Wanderlust and travel the world like Kane from Kung-Fu, lol.

    Ch 110 Noslin and Midas
    Pantheon Online
    Games · Antihero
  • Grimhaven

    Please pick this one...just like all of your predecessors before you. Those who have no imagination and are bland in life. So go ahead, by all means, be just like those idiots.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage
    Fantasy · Gurdon