

2019-09-10 JoinedGlobal

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  • Carrottop

    Amazing story! The only downside to the story for me PERSONALLY is how Naruto is portrayed. Don't get me wrong, I think the author did an amazing job recreating Naruto's personality. However, it went to the extreme in terms of how detached from reality and retarded Naruto's sense of justice is. Even in the anime Naruto killed people that were trying to kill him. But in this story, he is taking Batman's principles to the extreme! A bandit or ninja is massacring civilians and r*ping women left and right? That's OK, as long as they say they're sorry. They do it again after their "redemption" (aka Naruto gives them a spanking and puts them in timeout)? That OK as well as long as they pinky promise that they won't do it again. As some point the suspension of disbelief hits a limit. At this point, while I absolutely love the rest of the story, I DREAD any Naruto POV narration or any part of the story where he opens his mouth. Hell, I even hoped quite a few times that he gets killed off and the author adjusts the storyline without this insufferable parasite. Author, if you're reading this, for the love of god, please change Naruto's personality, at least progressively. Every time he opens his yap I debate whether this is the reason that Uzushiogakure was destroyed in the original story. If there was a village that has retarded people like this Naruto all around, then its perfectly reasonable for the village to get wiped out for the good of the world.

    Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto
    Anime & Comics · BurgerNoTomatoes
  • Carrottop
    Replied to SK33ZER9

    I'm not questioning that Eywa is real, in the sense that it is a biological planet-wide hivemind, not a deity. The MC is a technological pioneer, but seems to not even try to use science to explain anything, and just accepts the being as a god and becomes wildly religious in record time. I've known people with actual real-life tragedies that took longer to turn to religion then this guy. The technology and science of his world could have been used much more to further the Navi-human integration, instead it is just a backdrop of the story and the story devolved into tribal nonsense. I just expected more from all the initial buildup in the earlier chapters (although I did have a premonition that this will happen when the genius nerd suddenly started acting like a gym-rat high school jock high on hormones, and just hoped that he will revert back to his adult self). But to each his own i guess.

    A Second Chance - Avatar Way of Water
    Movies · Didiodo
  • Carrottop
    Replied to DetachedDreamer

    I'm sure that some people like stories where the theme wildly changes from the beginning, but that's just not me. If the MC is a scientific/technological pioneer and keeps mentioning how the various plants and resources can be applied to further science, then the general expectation is that the rest of the story would at least have that as a core theme, instead of a side story that is used as a magical fix-all when a problem comes up. But with this story, that same MC becomes a religious fanatic so fast it gives you whiplash. He doesn't even try to explain things using science, just excepts that the planetary hivemind is a "god"-being and becomes a hippy. The technology was only really used to make the house and some medicine, and then the remainder of the story was just slice of life nonsense. All I'm saying is that if you give certain expectations for a story, at least follow through. Otherwise it becomes jarring.

    A Second Chance - Avatar Way of Water
    Movies · Didiodo
  • Carrottop

    Author stole multiple fan fiction stories, including this one. Has already been reported and changed his account name from dark789, and even tried to create patreon for someone else’s work. Pathetic parasite.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Carrottop

    As of chapter 31, started off great, good grammar, story seemed like it was priming the MC to either develop a semi-futuristic version of a Navi settlement using his technology and genius scientific intellect, essentially being a kingdom building fic, or at least having something more science related. The story could have even gone with a mutation/evolution storyline considering how much it mentioned developing new medicines and the effects of miracle fruit on the body, and it would have become a passible fanfiction. Instead we get a useless MC that virtually abandons the technology and science angle, something that he was an expert in, imprints and becomes overprotective of anything and anyone that looks at him (almost as disturbingly fast as a Twilight Jacob/Renesmee fanfiction), becomes religious faster then a cult member (which is even more odd since he was a tech/science geek), has a forced romance development that can only possibly happen if the two were the only ones left on the planet, becomes whiny and weaker then even Navi teens, and only mentions science sparingly while focusing on learning hand-to-hand combat and hunting.....this is one of the greatest wastes of potential I have seen in a while.

    A Second Chance - Avatar Way of Water
    Movies · Didiodo
  • Carrottop

    I finally found a naruto fanfic about the aburame clan.....and it's GLORIOUS!!! The comedy, the realism (for a naruto fanfic), the chapter release rate is superb. For the love of anime god, author, please don't drop this diamond of a fanfic!

    Naruto: Aburame Malaria
    Anime & Comics · ThugB
  • Carrottop

    Biggest issue that stands out as soon as you start reading is the grammar. It's hard to get through a single sentence without noticing the disjointed grammar mistakes. Also, the reviews in this story seem like bots, with the same "people" giving five star reviews with no elaboration.

    Vulcan Odinson - The God of Fire [MCU]
    Movies · Zerufuke081205
  • Carrottop

    Great fanfic, amazing writing style and world background. The MC is also very fleshed out and original. The only problem with this fanfic is the chapter updates. Now, I have absolutely no problem with the author taking some time off to refresh his creative mojo, or there being several weeks break between each chapter, assuming that the chapter length is long enough to justify this. However, not only is this not the case for this fanfic, with their chapter length being average at best, but the author keeps on telling the readers that he will be back for the next chapter "soon", only for us not to hear from him for months at a time. This just seems like the author is just stringing his readers along so that his fanfic doesn't get abandoned by everyone completely, or so that it stays in the rankings.

    Ghost of the Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · T0X1N
  • Carrottop
    Replied to Carrottop

    Also, adding chapters from the point of view of other characters for the reader to see their thoughts and reactions is also a great way of extending the series a bit.

    Ch 17 Drunken Fist
    Mass Effect SI: Ultimate Krogan
    Video Games · JManM
  • Carrottop

    Crazy thought, but how about continuing past the ME3 storyline and creating some original content? Seems like this fic can go pretty far and a lot of the story has already been set up from the game, so you can continue with creating a Krogan civilization that spans the universe. Heck, their lifespan is in the thousands of years, there's a lot of content that can be made even with time skips. Some genetic engineering to hash out the problems with Krogan intelligence and adding some more power to their physical build could be a fun side story as well. Just food for thought.

    Ch 17 Drunken Fist
    Mass Effect SI: Ultimate Krogan
    Video Games · JManM
  • Carrottop

    I'll very confused....why is this not trending more? This is clearly one of the better quality fanfictions on this site with an MC that is not completely one-dimensional. My only hope is that the author lays off a bit from the game jargon and weapon worship and let the MC expand a bit of his business acumen to further the development of his species as a civilization with a reputation beyond brainless brutes. Food for thought dear author-sama.

    Mass Effect SI: Ultimate Krogan
    Video Games · JManM
  • Carrottop

    Decent enough story, no major grammar issues that can be seen. The main downside is how short the chapters are, making the story more of a quantity rather than quality story. Each chapter is more like a quarter episode with unnecessary cliffhangers almost every time. Nothing much happens in a single chapter and you can probably skip 5-10 chapters and still not miss much. Other than that the story is pretty good for webnovel standards.

    GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society
    Anime & Comics · HIKARU_GENJI
  • Carrottop
    Replied to Axes

    "Relatable" and "realistic" are two different things. I brought up Naruto not because it is more grounded in the real world's laws of physics, but because of a gradual development of an individual's strengths and personality that have been slowly built upon by both good and bad events over the equivalent of decades in the Naruto universe (including Boruto timeline). Also, Naruto wasn't just accepted as the leader of his village cause he was "good", it was because of years of sacrifice and loss that he went through that everyone saw was due to him trying to protect his village. Also, "happy go lucky" is far, far from the truth. If you watched the anime or read the manga, you would know that that was something that he showed on the surface to be liked by others, not because he felt like that all the time. It's those different emotions that ultimately drew people to the show, which makes it relatable since everyone in the real world has more than one side to them. However, I agree with you on Sasuke, that was an edge lord piece of c r a p of a character.

    Ch 42 Awakening pt.2
    Marvel's Red King
    Anime & Comics · Red_Noodles
  • Carrottop
    Replied to Unknown_ID

    Lol, I was honestly waiting for someone like you to add their unintelligible gibberish. What I provide is honest feedback with some pointers, not just like a pointless "yes man" that only knows how to write "great chapter" or "moooooore" for every review. I do appreciate the story and how it started, and I bothered to write this review because the authors on this site have a tendency to drop their fanfics because their story is no longer high enough on the ranking. This has happened to plenty of stories because people like you act like sheep and don't bother to provide the author with quality feedback. Do you think that only saying "great chapter!" and boosting an author's ego will help them? Nope. It just makes it harder for them to understand why their stories are dropping in popularity, which results in them rage quitting their work. Also, my dear ignorant troll, do you know why reviews that have longer descriptions have generally more readers? It's because those are the kind of reviews that potential readers look for to decide whether or not they should invest their time in reading something that may potentially be utter garbage, or, alternatively, a hidden gem. Keep that in mind before you decide to drop your uselessly protective reply under someone else's comment. Comments are there for the author to read or reply to, not you.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Mushoku Tensei: Reinhard Greyrat
    Anime & Comics · Roxy_Greyrat21
  • Carrottop

    It looks like the MC's IQ and maturity as someone who is over 20 years old mentally is inversely proportional with his fighting skills....You can't justify the lack of forethought and mindboggling level of cringe/edginess in his thought process or speech just by saying that his pre**** body is affecting his mind or that being a pervert "runs in the family", the level at which this is being shown is unrealistic. I have personally never met anyone over 10 years old who has such an unrealistic view of the world or who hasn't grown out of their chunibyo syndrome at that age. He was born in that world, and yet he is LESS mature than the kids that were never reborn! Heck, if you told me that he has a mental disorder that is limiting him mentally somehow then it would make more sense than whatever dialogue is being shown here. This fanfic started off well enough, with an understandable thought process from the MC, and then as soon as the MC started training or got a girlfriend, it's like he devolved into a glorified primate with an overblown ego the size of Mt Everest. I was never a fan of Rudeus in the novel, but how it THAT clown, who was a former trash NEET with mental scars(if you can even call them that), more mature then someone who was supposedly at least a semi-functioning ***** before dying? Author, please, don't ruin this fanfic with subpar dialogue. A good rule of thumb is, if you can't imagine someone saying something in real life without hiding their face in utter shame, or you saying it in front of a crowd, then it probably shouldn't be written down, otherwise it will degrade your character.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Mushoku Tensei: Reinhard Greyrat
    Anime & Comics · Roxy_Greyrat21
  • Carrottop
    Replied to Tokyoghost

    I agree with you that it depends on the story. Depending on the story's setting and what power level the mc starts off with, then it can turn out to be an entertaining story, like Onepunch Man or even the Hulk, although some of his powers also get blown out of proportion. However, the story in this case gives the mc a pretty clear immortality power and progresses for the first couple of time skips spanning over 100 years as it being his only power. Now, all of a sudden, the mc gets op Phoenix powers because of "reasons"? That wouldn't be good storytelling, that is just the author running out of ideas to push the story forward and so he/she uses a spontaneous power-up of ridiculous proportions. It's one thing of using something like a super-soldier serum to give the mc a slight physical power boost, that MAY somehow synergize with his mutant genes, since they are both of the physical strength/healing/endurance type, and cause a stronger effect then with Captain America. But if the same serum somehow gives the mc the power to warp reality? At this point I call bullshit, as with many actual comic books. There has to be a logical explanation that is not too farfetched as to why/how the power up occurred. For example, if for the majority of the story the mc has fire powers, and then the author runs out of ideas on its various applications, they can't just say that the mc can now all of a sudden control time because of the following logical leaps--->fire powers means that mc can control the vibration rate or movement of atoms, which leads to them being able to stop their movement, which means that they now have ice powers, which means that they can somehow stop time cause they can stop the atoms from moving. That, my friends, is a MASSIVE leap in logic and it immediately shows the author's lack of creativity, as is unfortunately the case with many comic books.

    Ch 42 Awakening pt.2
    Marvel's Red King
    Anime & Comics · Red_Noodles
  • Carrottop

    I honestly prefer this version of the story. Way too many fanfictions on this site give their mc some op hyper diversified bullshit powers without the mc putting any work into it, which is just lazy writing. "Oh, not only do you have telekinesis, but also can summon Master Chief from Halo with all of the future tech as well using some bullshit setting of his soul reincarnating within your body? And you have a system that let's you magically get op because you went on a quest to kill 10 rats from your mom's basement? That's great and totally believable." Having the phoenix force would have made almost any confrontation with other powerful beings completely anti-climactic. "Oh, is that the Hulk and Thor rampaging? Let me just flick my wrist and they're dead." You might as well end the novel right then and there. The problem with many fictions on this site is that the mc goes from 0 to 100 in no time at all with almost no effort, character development, or struggle. Do you know why manga and anime like naruto was popular? It's cause there was gradual and relatable development in the story line. How ridiculous would it have been if naruto went from getting his ass kicked at the academy to fighting off pain within a few months? Author, if you're reading this, for the love of anime god, please don't do the same shit as everyone else on this site does. Keep it slow and believable, it is much better for the mc to use his long life, wealth, and experience to resolve problems using his cunning, and maybe some help from not too op telepathic powers, then him having apocalyptic/phoenix level of power that throws all of his previous development into the proverbial dumster. Great job so far!

    Ch 42 Awakening pt.2
    Marvel's Red King
    Anime & Comics · Red_Noodles
  • Carrottop
    Replied to XDragonking

    What's the point of having their powers if the monkey powers are OP is hell by themselves, right? On a side note, since this universe's science is a free-for-all, can Ron get dosed by something like a super soldier serum? Get beefed up and combine with monkey powers and you have a badass superhero.

    Ch 31 It's Official?
    Re:Ron - Life Of A Reincarnated Sidekick
    TV · PopPop
  • Carrottop

    Just a thought, but to avoid mixing too much complicated magic with Fallout's sci fi theme, I would recommend using "magic" more as a power source for healing from heavy injuries, or as a conduit to make attacks that follow the radiation theme. For example, something like Godzilla that used radiation to power its AOE and breath attacks, or the electric discharge that they show Doomsday do in Batman v. Superman film(crap film, but great battle special effects). Once again, just a thought, I'm sure you got a plan going. It would just be extremely odd if we go from creatures that are based on Fallout and grounded in the evolution/mutation genre, only to, down the line, starting using magic or pentagrams to invoke random spells that cannot be justified by a scientific(or as scientific as you can get with sci fi) explanation. It would be like playing battlefield and someone decides to be like, "and now I'll use my Rinnegan to call down meteorites"(Naruto reference). Game Over.

    Ch 15 Mutated Humans.
    Prince Of Waste. Reborn into Fallout as a Molag/Deathclaw
    Video Games · So_Aap_Jay