of reading
Read books
having the stat numbers so high is really weird and i dont get why ya did it that way
But what about other time zones? like its 100% that he will not be the only person asleep in the world.
a middle-aged what? atleast put man after it, it sounds and reads strange if you don't put what or who is middle-aged.
So the ai said there is no class system in the game but then he goes on to say untill he gets a class?!?!? so there is a class system?
So landon gets off scott free even tho he tryed to kill apollo and almost killed abunch of other kids?
Don't know if i missed it but does he gain any stats from leveling and if so how many and where does he place them?
again he could just steal the books and stay here, there is nothing that could stop him, HE CAN'T DIE!!!! like i don't understnad why he would need to run at all, and the fact he is stupid strong now who could stop him really......
Don't really get why he transformed tbh, ye i get that hes a lich and people wont like that but he can't be killed so whats the point?
So is this going to be a common thing to happen? him just getting people as slaves? cause ima hard drop this right now tbh
This may seem stupid, but im kinda confused about the mother, like is this the mother that makes the parallel universes? like i know his mother in the other universes was her but is this mother her parallel verison and if so does she also know about the mirage cause it seems like she doesn't, and what happened when he came into this universe, he left the part and his mother follow and basically knew that he came from a diffrent universer or did i read that wrong? and now it feels like this mother doesn't remeber that convo. Again this may seem like stupid things to ask but yea.