


Reading junky

2018-04-10 JoinedCanada

of reading


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  • Bookgrind
    Replied to keanu_eugene

    really hope he doesnt tell them the truth about himself. they havent even known eachother that long and.... he keeps saying hed do anything it takes to reach the lower levels in the dungeon, if he cant even keep his deepest secret, he clearly cant

    "PEOPLE ARE DYING! WE WOULD BE DEAD IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE WHATEVER INFO YOU GAVE US!" Taking a moment, the woman composes herself with a few deep breaths before continuing," You can't be selfish with things like this, even stronger teams would just be turned to stone by the Gorgon, or get caught off guard by Anjanath fire breath, and gods know what that else is down here that nobody BUT YOU has seen, ever day you withhold info people are dying, I will not allow that bullshit to fly, so start talking or this team is done."
    Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)
    Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene
  • Bookgrind

    'my bad'

    "Hahaha yeah yeah by bad, I'll try to relax, not that I was ever any good at that..."
    Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)
    Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene
  • Bookgrind

    Great Book. Thank you for writing this and not locking any chapters. Only reason for not 5 stars for development is because of the rushed ending. But all in all 5 stars, great.

    One Piece Talent System (by Ye Nan Tin Feng) (completed)
    Anime & Comics · Franxiscus_Siregar
  • Bookgrind

    Best One Piece Fanfiction made so far. Author has great imagination and writing skills. I give this 5 stars. While I would change a lot of things throughout the novel, it was still really well made. If not a little too rushed near the end. At the very least I would have kept the pace more consistent. IM is basically considered as the final boss in the world of One Piece... That being said, I feel that the battle between him and Ross should have been longer and more detailed but... The biggest mistake made for the 'rushed' ending would have to be the fact that although it showed that he'd be marrying Robin [As it should be, at least 'first / main' wife material for sure.] (don't know about the others) is that it should have showed a chapter of the future. Possibly the wedding or weddings and maybe the arrival of kids and what one piece would look like maybe 10 or 20 years later. With Ross's physical body maxed he should be Immortal and could probably make his family as such. I don't know, many different ideas but all in all... Great Job Author and Thank you for sharing it with us, I enjoyed it very much.

    Ch 466 New Era
    One Piece Talent System (by Ye Nan Tin Feng) (completed)
    Anime & Comics · Franxiscus_Siregar