

2019-09-16 JoinedGlobal

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  • JokerfaDew
    Replied to masterchifu

    “Hence why I already covered that as well. I fail to see your confusion and wish to continue. Pinging me, I already even apologized in advance for the previous statements before such responses. So yeah, at this point, I doubt Workbrain can justify any of your forward messages besides being argumentative. Maybe you thought it was me coming off condescending but it wasn't the intended message which is why I switched to informal but since both fail to reach your comprehension level. “JUST STOP BRO”

    Ch 548 History Making
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew
    Replied to masterchifu

    Already said my peace bruh think with what little you have left up top that's functioning before you comment I already covered the bases to your replies because guess what I have and use my brain for a living

    Ch 548 History Making
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew
    Replied to JokerfaDew

    That's not to say his domain wont be special but for our current time frame the exo suit will be the deciding factor Whether Atticus accepts that win is a different story he likes to fight and nerf himself

    Ch 548 History Making
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew
    Replied to masterchifu

    My prediction is the special thing for atticus is his exo suit since it's the first of its kind and other apexes might not have one since they out scale exo suits if we wanna be realistic. He will get domains in time during this training arc. Pay attention author does well to drop hints don't just skim read and actually understand what you are reading number of chapters isn't completely related to time. Didn't mean to bash in first comment don't know how to delete in app but like it really implies you not truly appreciating his work buy love your support and hype but please pay attention for my sanity I love debating novels with passionate readers

    Ch 548 History Making
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    Also want to add the author doesn’t typically keep us in the dark on how things work but also he does keeps Atticus in the dark so stuff that we would know Atticus doesn’t so don’t get frustrated with Atticus figuring stuff out or repeated information to Atticus because he didn’t know that yet which I do like this style of writing. Shows how well thought out and passionate the author is about his work this should be number one and I like shadowslave I.e Domains introduced like chapter 50 Atticus found out what 400+ chapters later. Really gotta pay attention to the clues he leave within his work to understand the world on a deeper level

    Ch 546 Questions
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    Since we’re sharing theories that will probably be explained within 20 chapters, I might as well share my thoughts. Do I think other Apex races are reincarnated? Nope. At least not all of them. Let’s talk about life weapons. The author gave us a very detailed distribution of them. If I recall correctly, Tier One families do have life weapons. The Zeighhart family alone has five, given to them by a deity or supreme being, probably similar to the one that shot Atticus in his previous life. I just wanted to jog some of your memories. Even if they were reincarnated beings of the past, wouldn’t they have forgotten everything they learned in that life? When a life weapon user dies, everything about them disappears. We don’t know the nuances of what that truly means, but we can infer that they lose their right to reincarnation the moment they bond with the life weapon, as the previous wielder was trapped in Atticus’s sword. Now, on to the current story: Atticus’s reincarnation was special. He was chosen by a supreme being because other human race apexes never succeeded in reaching the paragon level. Throughout their history, no one recalls a Human Apex. Hence, something or someone saw fit to choose someone outside of their system who met the criteria to become one—Atticus. This isn’t a theory per se, but my guess on the answer to some of your questions. But how do other races keep the knowledge of the life weapons and their Apexes intact is a bigger question. We don’t know these things or how they evolved since their Apexes are known throughout history, while humans never succeeded. If the criteria are to have at least one life weapon, this remains a mystery. Maybe some of you will enjoy this breakdown, but remember that none of my theories are facts. These are just guesses that I’m sharing for your enjoyment.

    Ch 546 Questions
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    I am a fiend these aren’t enough for my addiction. Thanks for the chapters

    Ch 544 Punch
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew
    Replied to ImShadow

    Getting bodied bro only met two races so far give him time to cook

    With another mouthful of blood spewing out, Atticus's figure once again shot backwards through the air.
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew


    Ch 541 He’s Not Me
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    For those asking in discord yes I still follow this novle I’m just silently reading and enjoying my tea nothing of note to voice an opinion so I will say great job so far Realm Weaver I have not gotten bored reading the transitioning chapters. But yes peeps I’m still here just sipping tea and reading this b4 lunch 😁

    Ch 541 He’s Not Me
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    Hey I said the paragons wouldn’t care can’t do anything about family heads wanting revenge for their children. They can take some inspiration from The indomitable from the bone race he had the right idea

    "It was first the Alverians and Nebulon, almost at the same time frame, after which the Stellaris joined at a later time. The businesses and houses of many of our family members in their sectors were burned down overnight. There have been some missing cases related to our family members all over, but none of the families have openly attacked us. Regardless, the perpetrators were obvious."
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    I got a notification for chapters and nothing?

    Ch 523 Hurtled
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    I knew it doesn’t make sense for someone to be called easer of their generation and not be expert -, if a slave race can produce two of such geniuses if the tier one families could and they are over them wouldn’t make sense how humans enslaved them(bone race)

    It was shocking, but Kael's genius was undeniable. Despite being just 16 years old, Kael had already attained the Expert- rank, putting him at a level comparable to Avalon and Magnus during their time in the academy.
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    In another life Atticus in another life you would get that luxury of being normal

    Ch 520 Later
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    I had that feeling once when I was 12-13 my cousin was better than me at basketball we grew up and played together and I couldn’t comprehend how I was stronger taller and our grades were the about the same always all a honor roll. That feeling is a weird one to overcome. Weird see g someone you grew up with surpass you at something

    It was utterly weird, but at the same time, it was a feeling that enveloped her. Zoey was jealous.
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    I agree Atticus no point in dying for nothing revenge can always wait

    "If I ever feel that revealing myself would do me more harm than good, I reserve the right to back away from the whole thing."
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew

    I knew the council would scheme against Atticus but I thought atleast a handful would have brains and want to nurture him and maybe get him on thier side but even the family who has a possibility to lose thier land next year? Man Atticus I don’t blame u if you let them suffer atleast once to establish dominance and reverence from the human race

    Ch 516 Hated?
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew
    Replied to Saltzmaster

    And another thing saltz I would never read a novel that promised one thing and takes 100+ Chapters to develop originality it already copied and paraphrased too many things from the original why would I stay in read a bad carbon copy when I can go read the real thing

    Masters are revered mainly because they have reached the level where it is possible for them to resist the call of the rift.
    I Can Copy And Evolve Talents
    Fantasy · RighteousFilth
  • JokerfaDew

    What my fan value

    Ch 510 Why?
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver
  • JokerfaDew
    Replied to Areck

    Yea me too but we do have to be realistic even Atticus can’t jump two realms but hey atleast he got a drop of blood

    Ch 508 End
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasy · RealmWeaver