

2023-10-26 JoinedFrance



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  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget3 days ago
    Replied to Porthos10

    Thank you very much for this review, Porthos10. I think it's my best work so far, but I know I still have a lot to learn as a writer. As you said, I don't write to earn money but for the pleasure of sharing a story and my passion. Seeing the number of readers grow brings me joy. I'll do my best to give everyone a satisfying ending

  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget19 days ago
    Replied to Microraptor

    Bows and arrows had long been rendered obsolete by firearms in modern armies. Reintroducing these weapons onto a battlefield would certainly be a major step backward and seen as a disgrace—much like if a modern army today decided to bring back 19th-century weapons. However, bows did have some advantages: no gunpowder, no smoke, no noise, and a higher rate of fire. That being said, their effective range was quite limited, and most importantly, it took years to train a skilled archer, whereas a soldier could be taught to handle a musket in just a few weeks. The firepower of firearms was also often underestimated in comparison. A gunshot wound was significantly more dangerous than an arrow wound. This gap only widened with the advancement of firearms throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly with the development of rifled cannons and, almost a century later, the devastating Minié rifles used during the American Civil War. The projectiles fired by these weapons were designed to inflict the maximum possible damage on their targets.

  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget3 months ago
    Replied to Microraptor

    Indeed, when France lost too many ships during that war, the authorities were forced to take cannons from coastal batteries, weakening their defenses. The British cannons were not the same and therefore could not be used. However, I think the most valuable thing on a ship was not the cannons, but the sailors, as they required long training

  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget3 months ago
    Replied to Microraptor

    That's a difficult question. It depends on so many factors: the quality of the iron, the context, the caliber, etc. I saw on the internet that launching a 74-gun ship in 1778 cost 1 million livres tournois for just six months of campaigning. 126,000 livres were allocated for the guns alone. If we don't take into account that there wasn't just one type of cannon, this means 1,700 livres per cannon. The salary of an average worker was around 250 livres per year.

  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget3 months ago
    Replied to Microraptor

    Bonne année et bonne santé à tous! Plein de belles choses pour cette nouvelle année qui s'ouvre!

  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget3 months ago
    Replied to First_Time_Anal

    I don’t know how the algorithm responsible for the visibility of works published on this site works, but it must be linked to the ratings left by readers, their quantity, the number of reviews, the number of chapters, the number of readers, and power stones. A story with a large number of readers and votes will certainly be much more visible than one with many chapters but few readers.

  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget3 months ago
    Replied to nameyelus

    It would be a very ambitious development—a mix between Washington and Napoleon. However, the Crown only granted limited parcels of land and maintained tight control over the colonies. If he stays there until his death, he could become a landowner with local influence. The colonies are not, therefore, a land without a master. Carving out a kingdom would require courage, power, resources, allies, and the absence of giants. I suppose it would take the collapse of both France and Great Britain

  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget3 months ago
    Replied to nameyelus

    Being promoted was quite a common occurrence in the armies of Louis XV, especially when they suffered heavy losses and vacant positions needed to be filled quickly. However, for commoners, such promotions were often limited to intermediate ranks, like lieutenant or captain. Climbing to higher ranks was far more difficult without belonging to the nobility. Access to the nobility through ennoblement for acts of valor existed but remained rare. Since the time of Louis XIV, it was also possible to purchase a noble title—a practice that continued under Louis XV to fund wars, defenses, and royal projects. However, this "recent nobility" faced resistance from older noble families, who sought to preserve their prestige. Having strong connections was often as crucial as talent or wealth for advancing in rank. Regarding land, in France, estates associated with noble titles were highly valuable and rarely ceded, except at exorbitant prices. In contrast, in New France, the king had vast tracts of undeveloped land. He could grant concessions—often parcels of forest or remote territories—to deserving officers, so they could exploit and defend them against the British and their allies. While this increased the social status of such officers, it did not make them equals to French nobles, whose lineages were far more ancient. This will be explained toward the end of Volume 1. As for the protagonist’s training in the art of war, it is likely that he continues to learn on the field by observing and following the orders of more experienced officers. Military schools did exist, such as the École Militaire in Paris, founded in 1751 to train commoner officers, but access to them was rare and often required financial or political support.

  • Super_nugget
    Super_nugget3 months ago
    Replied to Dekol347

    I would say that the protagonist’s actions contributed about 10%-15% to the Iroquois’ decision, as he only had a conversation with the Mohawk matriarch and her apprentice. This tribe was very influential, partly because of its role in the creation of the Iroquois Confederacy. However, it wasn’t the only one. If you recall, I mentioned that since Carillon, there haven’t been any Native Americans involved in the clashes with the British except for the Mohawks. Why? Because the other tribes saw their allies being overwhelmingly defeated time and again. As a result, the actions of Montcalm and Richelieu carried more weight in the decision to seek peace, which at this point isn’t finalized and could still fall through at any moment. I based this on real events, except here everything is reversed: it’s not the Native Americans allied with the French seeking peace with the British after watching their protector be repeatedly humiliated (which they likely came to regret later when the colonies won their independence and then expanded westward).