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Oh, I know the one you're talking about now I'll take a look at it when I can.
Good spot, it has been fixed now.
No, he would only be able to repair 20% of something within an hour at 200 total repair.
Ready to turn but being held off for a reason that I forget.
Go for it.
It'll probably be done.
I don't remember that guy being a ghoul, only thinking he was, since he ends up getting left behind when the ghouls decide to take off in the REPCONN rockets.
Depends on the round and type it is, but capturing a Zetan mother ship would meet the quest objective, so that would be the fastest way.
Yes, his height increases since it's basically a small mech.
Thanks for pointing that out, I'll fix it now. And yeah, I wish a good gears game would get released but I know that won't happen nowadays since Microsoft is at the helm. I mean, look at what they did to my boy, Halo.