


I am an amazing cat... meow! :3 heheeh

2018-03-19 JoinedItaly

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  • bluedreamsfairy

    This is my honest review for Infinite Love Travel, a slightly dark sci-fi romance web novel I started two years ago, dropped and continued just a few months ago. Don’t expect to find boring and annoying cliches like in a typical young adult novel. This work of mine is extremely original and will be underrated because I know most readers still prefer immature teen novels. I will make a list that analyses the main aspects of the novel. Plot: The story follows Lan Yutu, 17 years old from a ‘normal’ household (divorced parents, ignorant father, loveless mother but cute brother). The family actually belongs to one of the most important surnames in China (Lan Family but there were problems). She is an extremely lazy person, but an art genius and a top-notch martial artist. One day, an accident happens at school which sends them back at home. Every normal life is stopped from that day on because people vanish and the fittest people have to pass some virtual tests and games in order to survive. Until they are able to get in the Tower, but no more spoiler. Lan Yutu solves things cleverly when she can’t laze. Language: My writing quality is much higher in the original language but I don’t want to translate it into English so I wrote in English directly. The tone is pretty dry and sound like translations. My text contains English mistakes or some inconsistencies that will be fixed later. However, you can expect some funny moments as well as crude ones. Get ready! I suggest you to take a look at the first ten chapters before favoring or not. The plot pace isn’t slow nor too fast. It’s around 20 chapters per scene. At the beginning, the number of words is 500, but they will slowly increase to 700, 900 and then 1200. I hope I’m able to post 1 chapter per day. Characters: I tried to give unique details to each character so that they will draw your like and dislike. So, there are no characters that are just ‘good’ or just ‘bad’, and lacking any interest or hobby. Some are there to just help with the small dramas, but they are definitely ‘alive’. For example, this person acts all confident when there are no problems, but shoulders all the responsibilities to others in dangerous situations; likes to talk, cook, clean and eat and clasps his hands etc. You know what I mean. As for the male lead, no, you won’t be able to guess who he is straight away heehehh! Anyway, my characters will grow and change reasonably. Join me and tell me who’s your fav one! World: I don’t have much idea on how I can build the surroundings. It will sound scientific and all, but it isn’t fully developed yet and I will describe it as I go. However, people will die, suffer, betray... There are fights between aliens, monsters and the Lord… It will be full of technology! But still in development! In any case, my work is definitely original. Bonus: As a way of showing my appreciation for your support (there are none as of now), you will be able to get some spoilers, add your characters and change the plot slightly!!! So, please be active in commenting, voting, sending gifts to give me energy to continue this novel (even though I don’t expect much)! Thanks! Alright, I think I wrote everything, take a look and good luck (I have lots of bad luck) to me!

    Infinite Love Travel
    Sci-fi · bluedreamsfairy