

2018-03-18 JoinedGlobal

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  • XxCelesxX
    XxCelesxXa year ago

    Amigo, espero te recuperes. Te extrañaré

  • XxCelesxX
    XxCelesxX2 years ago

    I am using Google Translate: The novel is VERY GENERIC. It shows that the author is a novice or so I want to believe, because the MC commits a lot of stupid things. Revealing his heritage to the butler in chapter 3 or 4, without getting to know him better, sucks. The MC gives away Silver Grade techniques like they're worthless, and it can cause suspicion when someone goes to investigate Dry City. The tournament thing IS TOTALLY FORCED AND WITHOUT ANY SENSE, if you want to go unnoticed then don't go to a tournament where a whole country is going to see you. And that bullshit excuse from the author that there are no cameras, nor can they record it is nonsense. The news will travel one way or another and take a picture of him, discover his talent and kill him for an idiot. The novel is full of nonsense. I'm stuck at chapter 37 and I don't need to read any more. Everything was very predictable and there is nothing substantial or interesting in all that journey. I imagine that the only ones who could like so much cliché is first-time readers. I hope the author improves in his future projects because this is a very clichéd and repetitive novel.

  • XxCelesxX
    XxCelesxX3 years ago

    Google Translate: This novel is, in cutting words is mediocre. It is slow, but this does not disadvantage the author's work. The problem comes with "Character Development". *SPOLERS* - MC: It's not bad, it develops slowly but sometimes very slowly. I honestly don't know why it has a HAREM label with all the arguments against having a polygamous relationship. The MC doesn't want to have a HAREM and that's fine but with 367 chapters and a label of it that's for decoration. The author gives arguments about the problems of having a HAREM which is true but it would have been better if he hadn't put it because HE IS NOT CAPABLE of developing a story of 2 lovers. The MC's relationship with Evelyn is totally EMPTY. - Evelynn: I have a big problem with this character. She is the main wife and only love interest of the MC but their relationship is EMPTY, THERE IS NOTHING. She totally lacks a feeling of construction in the love of the two. It all started with a physical attraction and an acknowledgment of her effort in cultivating, but after that THE RELATIONSHIP did not develop. Evelynn's character DOES have her development in some aspects but both are poor and lacking. Leaving aside the promise thing. They did NOT develop a firm and stable relationship. There is NO feeling of going through tribulations, NOTHING. It is true that she passed the arm but it was due to other circumstances. From my point of view she is an unfinished and bland character. I have no problem with the development of her personality through her insecurities, it is well directed BUT in regards to her having to be the main wife and almost co-protagonist of the story and the life of the MC is badly done. In particular, I NEVER felt an attachment to the character, nor did I find him annoying. She just doesn't deserve to be in that position. This is the fault of the author's inexperience in developing a relationship and choosing Evelynn as the main woman. There is also not much to choose from. He did the cliché of possession with Ellia and sent her to another world hahahahahha. The author focused too much on Evelynn when he decided to make her the female MC who ignored the rest of the potential main couple candidates. In conclusion I am dissatisfied with Evelynn for the poor development that she was given of her and the role that she carries as the main wife. -Ellia had potential as a character and personality built little by little, leaving aside her fears and insecurities regarding slavery along with the friendship she received. She had a decent development BUT NOT FINISHED. She then she magically left hahahahhaha - Regarding the other characters, they have their personalities and it only remains to read and discover, because I'm too lazy to describe them. - I abandon this story due to the lack of development in the relationship of the protagonist, waste of misused characters, misused cliche. The SLOWNESS of the story and THE EXCESS of DRAMA with respect to the totally unnecessary family. The story drags on without meaning. I'm totally serious, there's a lot of unnecessary DRAMA. - I would recommend reading this story if you are new to reading and have a lot of free time, because it is generic and easy to understand. It is NOT BAD BUT if you already have experience in reading it is just another story poorly done in certain aspects I hope that the author gains more experience in writing and improves. It's not a bad story, it just gets boring in sections with too much drama. Spanish(Español) Disculpen la falta de tildes, lo escribí de corrido sin autocorrector. Esta novela es, en palabras cortantes es mediocre. Es lenta, pero ello no desfavorece el trabajo del autor. El problema viene con el "Desarrollo de personajes". *SPOLERS* - MC: No esta mal, se va desarrolando lento pero a veces muy lentamente. Sinceramente no se porque tiene etiqueta HAREM con todos los argumentos en contra sobre tener una relacion de poligamia. El MC no quiere tener un HAREM y eso está bien pero con 367 capitulos y una etiqueta de éllo eso está de adorno. El autor da argumentos sobre los problemas de tener un HAREM lo cual es cierto pero mejor no lo hubiera puesto porque NO ES CAPAZ de desarrolar una historia de 2 amantes. La relacion de el MC con Evelyn esta totalmente VACIA. - Evelynn: Tengo un gran problema con éste personaje. Ella es la esposa principal y único interes amoroso del MC pero la relacion de ambos es VACIA, NO HAY NADA. Totalmente carente de un sentimiento de construcion en el amor de los dos. Todo inicio con una atracción fisica y un reconocimiento de su esfuerzo al cultivar pero luego de eso no se desarrolla LA RELACION. El personaje de Evelynn SI tiene su desarrollo es unos aspectos pero lo de ambos es pobre y carente. Dejando un poco de lado lo de la promesa. NO desarrollaron un relacion firme y estable. NO hay una sensacion de pasar tribulaciones, NADA. Es cierto que paso lo del brazo pero ello fue por otras circunstancias. Desde mi punto de vista es un personaje inacabado y soso. No tengo problema con el desarrollo de su personalidad mediante sus inseguridades, ello esta bien dirigido PERO en lo que respecta a que tenga que ser la esposa principal y casi co-protagonista de la historia y la vida de él MC está mal hecho. En lo particular, NUNCA senti una apego hacia el personaje, tampoco lo encontre molesto. Solo que ella no merece estar en esa posicion. Esto es culpa de la inexperiencia del autor al desarrollar una relacion y elegir a Evelynn como mujer principal. Tambien no hay mucho de donde escoger. Hizo el cliché de posesion con Ellia y la mando a otro mundo hahahahahha. El autor se centro demasiado en Evelynn cuando decidió hacerla la mujer del MC que ignoró al resto de posibles candidatas a pareja principal. En conclusión estoy insatisfecho con Evelynn por el pobre desarrollo que se le dio y el papel que carga como la esposa principal - Ellia tenia potencial como personaje y personalidad contruida poco a poco, dejando de lado sus miedos e inseguridades respecto a la esclavitud junto a la amistad que recibia. Tuvo un desarrollo decente PERO NO ACABADO. Luego se fue por arte de mágia hahahahhaha - Respecto a los demas personajes, tienen sus personalidades y solo queda leer y descubrir, porque me da pereza describirlos. - Abandono esta historia por la falta de desarrollo en la relacion de el protagonista, desperdicio de los personajes mal usados, Cliche mal usado. La LENTITUD de la historia y EL EXCESO de DRAMA con respecto a la familia totalmente innecesario. La historia se alarga sin sentido. Lo digo totalmente en serio, hay mucho DRAMA innecesario. - Yo recomendaria leer esta historia si eres nuevo en la lectura y tienes mucho tiempo libre, porque es genérica y de fácil comprensión. NO es MALA PERO si ya tienes experiencia en la lectura solo es otra historia mal hecha en ciertos aspectos Espero que el autor gane mas experienca en la escritura y mejore. No es una mala historia solo que llega a ser aburrida en tramos con exceso de drama