I do not have money
of reading
Read books
But he has 0.3 points?
Просто юнайтед жүздер Қазақия үшін. Че идея қайдан келді. Сразу вебновелде или барма басқа жакта оригинал? Im proud of u broo, realyyy..............
Can you use quotation marks in dialogs
Story of iron man 3 with extremis started after avengers. Stark has only mark 7 in avengers and mark 42 in ironman 3
Thank u very, good work, hope u ll not drop it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good work. I am waiting for more and more and more chapters with fast updates. I dont have money to go to patreon so i wish u ll update chapters every day
one speedster from eternals. one from agents of shield one from jessika jones( ok he is not so fast and died) so we have at least 4 speadsters with quicksilver and its only persons in movie and shows
i run 100m about in 12-13 seconds, this is the 8.3ms-7.7ms. so my dex should be 38-41.5? Also im googled that average speed of human is 9-11kms. So your MC is very very slow and cant be first at the camp