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So kinda like the Avatar in ATLA, same spirit reincarnated but with a unique personality each time 🤔
Uh she's not a child she's a young woman, she'd know the smell of blood 😅
I wonder if this is gonna somehow spark the return of any of Morgan's memories to Eiro? 🤔
I've been watching Star Trek Lower Decks lately so every time it says Orion I picture green people lol
Oh yeah random thought that occurred to me, wouldn't it be super helpful to the monster town to have the will o wisps be like, a go between of sorts between the monsters and those humans that joined the town? They're monsters but they have their human memories so they'd be much more relatable to ease the humans in to seeing monsters as less intimidating, no?
Suddenly I'm remembering that time he had a bunch of copies of himself fighting something that had adapted to countering his fighting style so he just got all the copies of himself to fight in the style of, was it Thomas? The guy that was in that original party with O.G. Avalin and James back when he was an imp.
Yeah I'm just surprised it wasn't mentioned along with the mirror and blood stone 🤔
But if he did that who knows who else might visit the library and find out that dangerous info about him?
I'm wondering what the deal is with his prosthetic hand now 🤔