Don't read if you're looking for a Hero, because I'm a Bad Guy.
Many will say that those who have strength, should help others ... I totally agree, depending on my mood of course.
"Excuse me what are you doing?"
just when noren piled up, several barrels of unknown substances a small loli, as beautiful as the doll of an artist, who spent his life ending. appeared suddenly behind him.
"Me? ... I just stack a few tons of TNT ... what if we go for an ice cream away from the clan party?"
"What is an ice cream? Also my father says it will be a day that no one will forget, so I must stay with others"
cutely said the little loli.
"Of course no one will forget it, they will call an old demon and your family will be their sacrifice"
Ehhhh !!! Mom, sister ... what do I do?
trembling the loli huddles on the ground.
(you will always be a wonderful man Noren ...)
for a second remembering the sweet conscience, which is always present within your heart.
"well loli, plan B"
"What's wrong? ¿You don't want to save your mother and sister?"
"Yes but ..."
"Don't say more, well I need my sword a soda and elegant fight BMG, that is uselessly exacted, with style"
taking the little hand he went to the party.
Makima_ · Fantasy