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Raffen Shiv's.
Everything is radiated and/or toxic, they had 4th corporate war between 2021-2025 and that's why there is only desert around Night City. Arasaka bombing happened on 2022.
Bwahahahah! The Ancestors are fighting amongst themselves for who gets the Promising Youngster for themselves!
"Does Voldemort Even Lift, Bro?" for those who are wondering.
I just realized that my comment was sexist. The women playing Rugby are badass too.
Different games. American Footballer's are the wankers who use body armor to protect themselves while Rugby players are the men who take the hits like men they are.
Goddess of ice; Reborn as Naruto’s twin sister -started it. Goddess of ice; Corrupting Bleach -was the second one, but it went on hiatus. Goddess of ice; Going for One Piece -is running.
It was explained later, they do already have the nine tails chakra but it is not in Gedo statue yet.
Sirzechs is somewhere in end of Tier 7(Nuclear) or early Tier 6 (Tetonic) being imo. That means destructive abilities between wiping out mountains to destruction of 'Island' level areas. Top tier 6 beings can wipe out multiple continents with single blast, just for reference.