

2018-02-20 JoinedGlobal

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  • Craiberk

    Аt this роint I аm bеginning tо quеstiоn еxасtly hоw muсh is this MС mеаningfully diffеrеnt frоm thе OG оnе. Surе, in thеоry this оnе is nоt асting likе а hаbituаlly аbusеd dоg. Hе is асting likе аn аnnоying сhеst-bеаting Аlрhа Mасhо Gigасhаd instеаd. Wоор-dее-dоо! Surе, this MС dоеs sоmеthing-sоmеthing-sеlf-imрrоvеmеnt-аnd-hоbbiеs оff sсrееn, unlikе OG MС, whо's оnly rесоursе fоr аttrасting Mizuhаrа is quitе litеrаlly "[sаd fасе] Соmе оn, Mizuhаrа! Bоth yоur аnd my grаndmоthеrs wоuld rеаlly аррrесiаtе if yоu suсk mе оff! Pwееееаsе? [sаd fасе][sаd fасе][sаd fасе][dоgеzа][triеs tо kiss disguistеd Mizuhаrа's tоеs]". Yеt why dо thе bоth оf thеm kеер tаiling hеr? Shе rеfusеd MС's аdvаnсеs. Bоth оf thеirs. Multiрlе timеs. Onе triеs tо bribе hеr with rеntаl mоnеy. Thе оthеr shоws оff hоw hе еаrnеd еnоugh mоnеy tо аffоrd аn араrtmеnt. Shе is nоt intеrеstеd. Pеriоd. Gеt оvеr it. This wаs оnе аttеmрt tоо mаny. Stор. Hаvе sоmе gоd-dаmnеd sеlf-rеsресt. TL;DR, I'll givе this аnоthеr соuрlе оf сhарtеrs аnd if MС kеерs сhаsing hеr, I'm gоnnа hаvе tо bоw оut.

    Ch 35 Chizuru’s Opportunity (2/2)
    KanoKari: A Different Life
    Anime & Comics · Addyctive7
  • Craiberk

    Narcissa subplot, chapter 21 and apparently a habit of deleting reviews. A hint, next time you ponder the question "should I ruin a good fic with rape?", the answer is No.

    Stuffed into Potter
    Book&Literature · KasiCair
  • Craiberk
    Replied to YungSnorlax

    going by an overwhelming amount of experience of browsing this site, "better rating" actually means either useless bot, tasteless suck-up or self-fallating unscrupulous author.

    Skyrim: Reborn as a Wolf in Tamriel
    Video Games · YungSnorlax
  • Craiberk

    "The looks on their faces were fierce and ready to attack." I didn't know that look on someone's face could attack. You live and you learn, I guess.

    Ch 64 Chapter 64 - Exotic
    Avatar: Awakened Gamer
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Craiberk
    Replied to LazyPandaman

    The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I might consider trying it, just from all those glowing recommendations of yours alone. I mean, who knows, I might discover something I end up enjoying immensely.

    Ch 60 Chapter 60 - Old Man's Favor
    Avatar: Awakened Gamer
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Craiberk
    Replied to LazyPandaman

    I actually never tried putting pineapple on my pizza. If I ever decide to do it, I'll let you know. Unless I forget. Which I probably will.

    Ch 60 Chapter 60 - Old Man's Favor
    Avatar: Awakened Gamer
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Craiberk
    Replied to LazyPandaman

    Kek. Well, I never said it was impossible to hate people for having different preferences, just that having different preferences doesn't necessarily involve hate.

    Ch 60 Chapter 60 - Old Man's Favor
    Avatar: Awakened Gamer
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Craiberk

    Why are there new lines in the middle of so many sentences?

    Ch 2 Chapter no.2 Sacred Fire Lotus Technique
    Tales of Demons and Gods : I can Augment My Statuses
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Craiberk
    Replied to SAINT_GABRIEL

    Just because I find this prevailing sentiment annoying, I'll give you an analogy to illustrate in what way you are mistaken. People who don't like pineapple on their pizza don't hate people who do. Neither do they want them dead, nor do they want them to not like pineapple on their pizza.

    Ch 60 Chapter 60 - Old Man's Favor
    Avatar: Awakened Gamer
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Craiberk

    Ahahahahaha! This was glorious! xD

    Ch 60 Chapter 60 - Old Man's Favor
    Avatar: Awakened Gamer
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Craiberk
    Replied to Asura_Vajra

    Okawaii koto!

    Ch 60 Chapter 60 - Old Man's Favor
    Avatar: Awakened Gamer
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Craiberk
    Replied to Craiberk

    And by "half", I mean the half that I read before dropping. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the fic is exactly the same.

    Magus of the Wizarding World
    Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee
  • Craiberk
    Replied to Herohero

    He is biologically, which is the only part that matters for the purposes of inbreeding.

    Ch 55 Chapter 55: Fate? I can change it.
    Avatar: Awakened Gamer
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • Craiberk
    Replied to Yuna_sama

    Dafuq are you on about? I can't think of a single relationship from the Narutoverse with more than 2 partners. I think you don't realize that the word "normal" means the exact opposite of what you think it means.

    In Naruto As....Well Naruto
    Anime & Comics · Laziness_IsThe_Key
  • Craiberk
    Replied to Dookie_Man

    On your mom, this very moment.

    Ch 73 Chapter 73
    Rebirth In The Naruto-verse.
    Anime & Comics · Victortoery12
  • Craiberk
    Replied to ghjiutrvb66

    A review serves multiple purposes, from letting the author know what went wrong, which particular part of the story was contraversial, to notifying you and me that a novel has it's potential downsides. If you happen to be of the same mindset as the reviewer, you'll save yourself some time skipping the process of discovering how a story is not to your liking. In my opinion critique is much more valuable form of feedback than praise. Saying to not leave negative reviews is asinine. I am much more upset with all the pointless 5-star reviews of people either spamming random characters for the sake of farming pointless exp or going "I didn't read it, but it's in my favorite universe so I'm giving it 5 stars!" polluting this site. Furthermore, I find the statement of "why don't you make something better before criticizing someone else's work" to be idiotic to the extreme. It doesn't take the ability to create to find flaws in someone else's creation. It's like you get served rotten food in the restraunt and then getting "Hey! Why don't you go to a culinary school for half a decade and then work in a restraunt for two before you get to criticize my work?!" No, it doesn't work that way. You are spending a limited resource in the form of money (or time reading novel) and if you are served trash, you should be entitled to let people know. And no amount of "I'm a creator" is relevant. Not trashing the novel here, btw, just your bad ideas on how feedback and discourse should function.

    Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]
    Others · BrightDawn
  • Craiberk

    There's one mistake that many authors are constantly making and I am hoping that this fic, being of a more well-thought through variety, may hopefully be able to avoid. Namely, even though the MC has introduced massive changes into the timeline, the exact same "next generation" as in cannon is born. To make my point a bit more clear, I propose the following. A single gamete contains 50% of mother's(or, more importantly for the purpose of this thought experiment, fathers) DNA that is required to complete the instruction sequence for a "human assembly". Combining mother's and fathers gametes produces a unique chain of proteines that determine future child's traits. Let's say for the sake of example that this is a day of future this hypothetical child's conception. In this scenario, a hypothetical future father is on his way to "provide the genetic material", as it were. While he is nearing home, our timeline divides in two. In the first sub-timeline the father reaches home without interruptions, does the deed and a sperm A, surrounded by billions of other similar sperms begin it's race to fertilize the egg, successfully finishes it, creating a child. In the second timeline, however, a weirdo pops out from around the corner, ambushing our future hypothetical dad with a statement that he is a reincarnator and a bunch of silly questions such as "what year it is" and "where exactly in this world said reincarnator saw as fantastical they are currently located", before running away and disappearing around the corner and from the scenario alltogether. Having answered his questions, the future dad upon returning home feels compelled to share this strange situation with his significant other before "proceeding to do the deed". This slight delay however has caused the ever-wriggling mass of male gametes to change their composition and now our sperm A is not in a position to win the race and instead it crawls in a completely different direction and a sperm B wins the race instead. Considering the fact that child's biological *** is determined solely by the male gamete, in a timeline One the kid may have been born as a boy, maybe having hated a certain other boy throughout his entire childhood, in timeline Two that child may have been born as a girl and had a crush on the same boy the child from timeline One hated all this time. And that's not going into other physical, social or mental characteristics that may or may not have been different. If such a tiny change in the sequence of events has deviated the scenario so much, how many tiny changes will there be if said reincarnator was present THE ENTIRE LIFETIME, being friends or enemies with the future dad, having one of his students survive instead of dying, stealing one of his favorite techniques and so on? Even if the Nine-Tails attack happens and goes on as it did in the cannon, Naruto may or may not be born a girl, a boy with his mother's hair color and father's intellect and disposition or even having been born with a variety of congenial deffects. Same goes for the rest of the main cast.

    Ch 73 Chapter 73
    Rebirth In The Naruto-verse.
    Anime & Comics · Victortoery12
  • Craiberk

    This is another one of those "Author believes that a giant training montage sequence makes for a great story" and "introducing a bunch of famous and well-established characters and interacting with them through training counts as social interaction" type of fan-fics. While it may be your cup of tea, but once you read one, you read them all. At some point it becomes boring and personally I have clearly passed that line. Worldbuilding is rather shallow. Despite throwing around terms like "butterfly effect" and changing fate of some minor characters, not much deviation were to be found until I decided to just give up at ch 38. Translation quality is decent, no major errors to point out. maybe some minor typos. Overall, a decent distraction for a couple of hours but don't expect this fan-fic to rock your world.

    Hokage: Ryo’s Path
    Anime & Comics · Diabeetus