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This author really know how to write a masterpiece , loving all of these author novel's so much
It is diamond, you need to dig it up and read it. I actually like a lot from world building, writing quality etc. its all somehow good. Except the first disciple heroine, its all good. His first disciple is a nah, not really good, from her story to her cultivation its all weird and somehow I didnt like it at all. I think its better if her power from something else, nah... just my opinion. Anyways, overall its good novel. Read it at least and support the author. ~All Hail Me
or did the author have mistake with the number here? idk
did mc an idiot? he want his money back but he need to paid 1000 gold for bounty hunter to get his 600 gold back. IDK he was so stupid for reincarnated person