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To explain a bit more. What I mean is my head canon was that the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing was made from the bodies of Ddraig and Albion. Thus why they are able to conduct their signature powers so well.
Okay, so the thing is, its said in DxD that dragons are just basically large mass of power that have manifested in solid form to act on their desires. Basically they are beings made up of energy that has become solid. So while they are made of energy, their bodies have become solid. Otherwise their scales wouldn't be blocking things like arrows, and light spears and such. Now, add on the fact that God, who likely took part in the death of Ddraig and Albion, has shown the ability to manipulate things without form (Otherwise, how could Dimension Lost be made) So mostly likely, he made sure their bodies didn't break down, and then carved them up like a thanksgiving turkey. Thus destroying the bodies. I mean that's always been my head canon, otherwise where would God find material that could perfectly conduct both Albion and Ddraig's power.
I mean technically, having your body carved up and used as material in forging countless artifacts could technically count as being destroyed.
Honestly, the way I always saw it with Innovate Clear, was it was basically a Sacred Gear version of a Reality Marble. Just, a Reality Marble that you can personally design, rather than being a result of your own fractured psyche.
Well I will agree the sword part is kind of dumb. He does have a point with the darkness. I mean he's walking the path of nature and Light. Darkness would just get in the way with the path he's trying to walk. Although I will agree, the comment about the sword is arrogant and stupid, especially since he used a pair of swords in his last match.
I think it's saying he came from a time when Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal was just coming out. So Arc V and the Pendulum summoning isn't a thing for him.
Dang it Tom, if your going to try and lie, at least get rid of the evidence first
it seems what they say is true *Smokes on his pipe* Great minds really do think alike.
This Gif basically describes my thoughts when I read that.