


In it for the rationalist novels

2018-02-10 JoinedNetherlands

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  • nULL
    Replied to BlackJackTheSuper

    Think of it as a very swingy mood, with the heights being as high as euphoria and the lows being depression or in this case anger from frustration or anxiety. It's mostly chemical, so don't think of it as purely emotional. Of course a lot of it depends on the person and whether they want to get treated or not... This goes for any addiction or mental instability like drinking or depression.

    His father was bipolar and during his depressive episodes, he would disappear into his bedroom for days. He would emerge solely to eat, use the bathroom and for the occasional 'let's make your life miserable' fit of rage.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • nULL
    Replied to TheDNAlien

    And clearly judging from how you write "quantom" this is a lost cause but... The comment I replied to literally says "Ayo if string theory is true wouldn't that make his power op" This is stupid af. I rest my case, the OG comment is argument enough against itself.

    "Ahem, Kai Carter wins!" Haruko had recovered from Kai's attack and announced the result hurriedly.
    The Magician of Sound
    Sci-fi · Fixten
  • nULL
    Replied to

    That's not my point, I'm saying that bringing quantum into anything and everything (real or fake science) is the dumbest way of explaining something.

    "Ahem, Kai Carter wins!" Haruko had recovered from Kai's attack and announced the result hurriedly.
    The Magician of Sound
    Sci-fi · Fixten
  • nULL
    Replied to Aelryinth

    You should know that being an author is not about inventing words but using them. Please, feel free to correct me about the word "necroic" which is not in any dictionary ever written in the English language just to make yourself sound smarter than you are...

    I'd need to have a Diamond Vajra to stave off necroic energy like that, plain DR just didn't work, nor normal energy resistance.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL
    Replied to Aelryinth

    Yes. Necrotic. Not Necroic as you wrote.

    I'd need to have a Diamond Vajra to stave off necroic energy like that, plain DR just didn't work, nor normal energy resistance.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    Yet another broken English trash-quality cash grab, just look at the amount of free chapters. Don't waste your time.

    Ch 1 Survival in the Catacombs!
    Digging to Survive: I Can See Hints
    Sci-fi · Sword Old Wolf
  • nULL

    "hungry for (...) munchies" is not English.

    Tremble was hungry for magic Weapon munchies, after all.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL
    Replied to nULL

    "pried up his Axe from the stone" > "pried his Axe from the stone"

    Battle Vigor would restore most of the Soak damage I took from being knocked around by him, and I pried up his Axe from the stone and tossed it into the shadows off to the side, to grab on my way out.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    "by him" This is unnecessary.

    Battle Vigor would restore most of the Soak damage I took from being knocked around by him, and I pried up his Axe from the stone and tossed it into the shadows off to the side, to grab on my way out.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL
    Replied to nULL

    "gushing out blood his fast healing was racing to try and stop." No... "his blood gushing out as his fast healing raced to try and stop it."*

    Nervous system compromised, he collapsed to the ground, gushing out blood his fast healing was racing to try and stop. But he had no limbs to defend himself, and without further ado I completed the job and lopped my way through the rest of his very thick neck.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    "he collapsed to the ground" means exactly the same thing as "he collapsed". Shorten it.

    Nervous system compromised, he collapsed to the ground, gushing out blood his fast healing was racing to try and stop. But he had no limbs to defend himself, and without further ado I completed the job and lopped my way through the rest of his very thick neck.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    "right as he hooked it" What is 'it'? Again, nonsensical.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    "as I let my feet sweep past me" This makes no sense.

    This time he kicked out at me as I let my feet sweep past me, leaning back and using the impact to tumble free once again with my blade in hand. He staggered as things like guts and liver and stomach were all neatly impaled and dealing all sorts of fun to his insides.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    than* his kidney. 4th time I see this specific error.

    I kicked back and instantly charged in again. He was reaching for the handle of his Axe… and I hewed right through the hardened oak, leaving him gripping a stub as the crescent cut stopped and became a full force lunge, hooking up and into him, and going for a more active target then his kidney.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    Ki Strike, an obviously offensive skill, is being compared to Penetrate Damage Reduction. This doesn't make any sense in the context that she can't be using a defensive skill offensively... One of these doesn't belong here.

    Ghost Strike: As long as you have at least one point of ki, all your magical weapon attacks were Ghost Touch, able to play the chop-chop game against incorporeals. Since it applied to bows, worked as an Archer Feat. I didn't get Ki Strike to make my IUS magical until Monk/3, but that was fine. I had Penetrate Damage Reduction to make up for it.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    There shouldn't be a comma, you abuse them: "These incorps weren't."

    I was going to fuck them up so badly. C'mon, throw a Greater Shadow at me. All it was going to do was get me more pissed. Multi-dimensional existences? Up yours! These incorps, weren't.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    necrotic* nor did* normal energy resistance

    I'd need to have a Diamond Vajra to stave off necroic energy like that, plain DR just didn't work, nor normal energy resistance.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    very well*

    Shadows couldn't fight very good, and if they ignored armor, so what? Most of my AC was dodge bonuses. They'd found it hard to hit me given how slowly they moved, so we had both been doing a lot of whiffing at one another.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    "Prey than* you" Counting 3 times you made this error thus far. Maybe learn the difference between then/than?

    "And I have killed far more dangerous prey then you. I am faster then you, more skilled then you, stealthier, and more perceptive. I know how to use the terrain, and I am not at all adverse to ambushing you, sneaking around, and I literally have nothing better to do with my time then kill something trying to hunt me. If we fight straight up, I will slaughter you. If we hunt one another, I'll reach you, and I've no fear of someone shooting a wooden stick at me." I just waved my hand at him. "Don't start a fight you won't win. I've told you the truth, I've shown you hospitality at my fire. I'm not the deranged thing that slaughtered your friends.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth
  • nULL

    Both of its front paws*

    Both its front paws cut off, the hell-poodle looked up at me with its burning eyes.
    The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
    Fantasy · Aelryinth