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Not a bad story per say, author has tried to create a world with wolverine template but the story is filled with plot holes. Character development is 2d with no real thinking, no real reason for his quick success, with no hurdle, or even character growth. The story sumply tells us and we are suppose to believe it. Author has tried to create a story but his lack of experience also the use of ai is apparent.
1.3, Baron Mental Strength
and within 1 minutes he copied 3 powers doubling what he had for the last 100 years
And boring plot like this is the reason story like this fail. 100s of years, not even a single power, 2 he originally had, healing in the few second after his rebirth. Fought 3 war, met countless people not a single power. What do you even want him as a civil war soldier if this is your intention.
Also if Bolton have no living bastard then their land would go to a person with close blood ties to the bolton. For example look at Gardener family the king of reach, they went extinct, but Tyrell were still discriminated as their bloodline wasn't as close to the gardener as some other family in the reach were.
This can't happen in the Westeros Tradition. No matter the size of a house a king can't destroy a family much less Boltons who have a history of more than 8000 years. Westeros follows a tradition where if a house is near extinction then then bastard is given the house surname so that the bloodline survives. There are 1000 of house whose bloodline can be traced thousands of years in Westeros which can't happen if such thing can happen.Also while Bolton do try to replace Stark they have submitted to then for thousands of years, so the plot is very bad. Also deadfort is bolton land and even if Bolton are replaced, it can only be after a war with invaders or disease not execution.
Others are not invulnerable, they have Magic Armor that negates most of the damage, but that armor is weak against Dragonsteel (Valaryn steel), dragon glass and dragon flame due to it being made of ice magic which is negated by fire magic which those items contain.