



2018-02-01 JoinedGermany



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  • Boin
    Boin12 days ago

    The setting and worldbuilding started out nice. However the char development in terms of power level progress/balancing/power creep ist insane. At around chapter 250 the MC ist still lvl 0 so I checked ahead and at chapter 400 he ist still lvl 0 but can defeat lvl 15 guys. It feels rly cheap to see him effortlessly defeat His enemies replying only in some OP skills he got in the beginning. It hast started to actually Take away from the "mystery", excitment and overall feeling of the underdog when at every point the plot armor kicks in and you know the MC will be fine. You know exactly what happens when he has a quest to kill something at a certain lvl and although it is hyped up as being rly hard once the MC meets such a situation/person he comes out victorious with no effort. Felt rly Frustrating and unengaging so I dropped it. Do not recommend.

  • Boin
    Boin5 months ago

    This Story started out great but the author Kills the entire story by withholding any character development from the mc and makes him do nonsensical contradictory decisions going against everything the mc learnt and experienced before. I dropped the novel at chapter 247 because of certain Story developments and discourage everyone from reading this Story. A great worldbuilding story destroyed by an abysmal written mc.

  • Boin
    Boin3 years ago

    Is it the first time that chinese is used as description of the culture/language? What I mean is, that up till now since everything was destroyed and no information were really passed on, how does he know, that the language he is speaking is chi ese? was it mentioned before?

  • Boin
    Boin4 years ago

    The first chinese fantasy book I ever read. Might not be the best however it is something special. Absolutely love it and I come back to read parts of it now and then. If you want to read it, read it at ********** from where it was copy pasted!

  • Boin
    Boin4 years ago

    This book is actually amazing. It is interesting not too long and doesnt feel boring in the middle. It also has a MC that doesnt go through everything without hardship. If you want to read the book I would encourage you to read it at ********** from where it was copy pasted!