Favorite novel is "Dark King"
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having billions of cat sized creatures would be an issue.
If you are invading or going anywhere you would learn what that place is called. it is not weird to want to know names of places.
so when the game turns real, do these avatars turn into their real self or so people suddenly just have all of their stats shift over to a fugly person?
big exp drop, just how I like it.
world changed so much east coast people panic at even small earthquakes.
I listened to folks and read the authors previous book(sword god in a magical world). Trust me it did get a bit better after 500 chapters or so for a hundred chapters. Then it became a mess, so I just can't bring myself to trust the fans of this author. I forced myself until the end of that novel only to get an anticlimactic end. Action in his stories is good but the plot and character development is terrible.
Gonna have to drop, the mc is a self centered coward. plus, he is a simp who has two chicks using him for free. Maybe the story should be narrated by someone with logic, rather then this mc with victim complex.
tbf synopsis makes more sense than the actual story.
Great story but what the heck happened to the updates? In the past few months the number of chapters has dropped significantly. If this has been dropped or the author is on break please let me know so I don't read any further.
Imagine writing this stuff, the numbers are off, the world building does not exist, and why even have side characters? Its almost like a fantasy novel written by a kid.